Slab of the Year - Need your vote!



Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Please vote for my CARP for the "Slab of the Year". (September 2014). I won the month of September voting; now it is time for the yearly voting! Please support a fellow PA fly fisherman!

Moldy Chum

Valley ?
totally Valley...if anyone has any pics of a larger one please post them....this has to be the biggest one ever from Penns....I mean Pickering
Rob, you're probably a real good guy. But I for the life of me,can't vote for a carp with all those beautiful trout there. I'm going to abstain but good luck to you.
Rob, you're probably a real good guy. But I for the life of me,can't vote for a carp with all those beautiful trout there. I'm going to abstain but good luck to you.

Carp need love too my friend.
Done, got my vote. That is a big one. I never caught a carp on a fly but from what I hear it is not easy. Did you weigh it?
Voted for ya. Like those huge trout and the musky but...Hendrix fan and fellow PA fly fisherman - had to do it. I immediately washed my hands afterwards though.

Good Luck!
Thanks everyone. I am in the lead by only one vote right now. June seems to be on a big campaign to win as well.
I voted................I love big carp.
Ok,OK you got my vote but I threw up a little bit in my throat.
I will only vote if you replace Jimmy with the carp pic .
I voted for you, Very nice fish, That water gives up some gems just have to work for them. Dont worry about the trout bros they wouldnt know what to do if the fish started peeling line haha
I really need some more support for my PA Carp!

I am losing ground to June and November in the voting!!! I think the voting may go to the end of the month, but please take a moment to help me out! Vote from all devices (home PC, work PC, tablet, phones . . .)


Voted, good luck!