Skinny Water Caddis (Prototype)



Jul 15, 2015

The SWC was tied last season to test against the Benton Caddis, as an alternative to those bright bluebird days, clear water and skittish fish. I wanted another option to provide a distinct footprint, with attributes that would lend itself to being stripped under when the situations calls for a diving caddis. It did exceptionally well on 2 trips equaling one full day of fishing in both aspects. Hope to give it more time on the water this season. If you like it, give it a try. And by all means, let me know what you think,

SWC Recipe

Hook: #14 Orvis Tactical Dry
Thread: 8/0 Brown Uni-thread
Abdomen: Olive Turkey Biot
Hackle: Natural Dun CDC Puff
Wing: Bleached Yearling Elk
Thorax: Eyed Peacock Herl

For the full blog and tying video, click on the link below:

Skinny Water Caddis Tying Video
That's very similar to what I tie. I modified the recipe for a cdc and elk caddis. Typically, you use cdc for the body and as you wrap it the longer fibers look like legs. Then tie in the elk as usual. I dub a normal caddis body, use the cdc as an underwing then top with the elk. I do like the look of your body tho.
