Size change?

  • Thread starter TheAppalachianAngler
  • Start date
Dear hooker-of-men,

Dontcha just love it when a troll posts, argues with everyone, gets rebuked, says they are leaving and yet shows up to check their handiwork?


Tim Murphy :)
Anyone who joins pa fly fish and has a legitimate interest in 1 of the two common reproducing species in the state of PA is a troll now if its not the brown one huh?
Im not a troll.
I read the forums, I always have. I didn't even argue with anyone.

I decided to try and participate but this isnt going to work here and I don't like people using my threads to tell other people to shove their heads up their ***.

If one of the mods could just delete the entire thread. I'd be fine with that.
Im not a troll.
I read the forums, I always have. I didn't even argue with anyone.

I decided to try and participate but this isnt going to work here and I don't like people using my threads to tell other people to shove their heads up their ***.

If one of the mods could just delete the entire thread. I'd be fine with that.
Dear Appalachian Angler,

Re-read your posts. You argued, from jump street. Gaining no traction or friends, you announced that you quit. Please make the quitting accurate!

It is what it is.


Tim Murphy
Dear Appalachian Angler,

Re-read your posts. You argued, from jump street. Gaining no traction or friends, you announced that you quit. Please make the quitting accurate!

It is what it is.


Tim Murphy
yea he should have just adopted someone elses ideas and not argued out of respect for a minority’s narrow comfort zone
I just did.
I didn't argue at all,not in this thread, I think age is getting to us all and some more obviously than others.

I've only participated in a few threads. And the one I did argue in needed to be argued.
I'm just trying to figure out why the rest of you can argue but if I choose to argue one point you see it as a troll.
What does this make you?

I came here to talk fishing, fly fishing in particular and things related to it.

I wasn't planning on using the forum to "gain traction" or "make friends". I don't need either but apparently it is the Ashley Madison of Pennsylvania fly fishing.

You can have it all Tim
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Im not a troll.
I read the forums, I always have. I didn't even argue with anyone.

I decided to try and participate but this isnt going to work here and I don't like people using my threads to tell other people to shove their heads up their ***.

If one of the mods could just delete the entire thread. I'd be fine with that.
Don’t let it get to ya. There are a bunch of curmudgeons here who would rather sling mud at other members than carry on a conversation.
Don’t let it get to ya. There are a bunch of curmudgeons here who would rather sling mud at other members than carry on a conversation.
I have no time for it.
I'd rather just read, but I would like this thread deleted.

Then the curmudgeons can have their way and I'll just go back to lurking.
I have no time for it.
I'd rather just read, but I would like this thread deleted.

Then the curmudgeons can have their way and I'll just go back to lurking.
I get it. It’s entertaining though. 😂
Let's say the minimum size limit is raised to 8". Since virtually all stocked trout are longer than 8", I would say those "first-day limit fillers" that you mentioned wouldn't notice any difference whatsoever.

Ditto if it was raised to 9".

I'm one of those guys who fishes spinners with #10 barbed treble hooks. Virtually all trout are hooked in the jaw and I have no problem releasing them unharmed. I rarely have a treble that "don't let go of a fish's insides" as you mentioned because rarely are trout hooked in the "insides."

How often are your dry flies swallowed deeply? I've talked to several fly anglers and they've volunteered that they think dry fly fishing has the highest hooking mortality of the various fly fishing methods.
Not dumping on hardware chuckers, so no offense intended.
As I said... very limited knowledge. The varied aspects related to the practice of "harmless" C&R has been and can be "but-what-abouted" in perpetuity. Of course, fish have swallowed a few of my dry flies. I could say rarely - which could still not be defined as never - and rather than dig it out, I'll cut the tippet outside the mouth. The argument could be perpetuated that mortality related to flyfishing in general is due more to playing a fish on a light tippet to the point of exhaustion, than to how deep into the fish the fly went. Corner-of-jaw hookups are optimal, but there is no possibility of "unharmed" with any tackle. It all leaves a hole and there's always a recovery period after the fight. I like to use the term healthy release. An otherwise unhealthy fish is killed, gutted, and creeled - providing the season/location/regs allow it.