sixth sense ?

in all seriousness i think its a matter of just knowing ones there. How many times have you walked up to a pool, studied the water and knew even before you made your cast.. you think.."there is going to be one right there" And as you watch your drift you know where your fly is.. and as it reaches the spot your thinking...he's rrrrrrright there!! bang he's on.
IMO at any given time we can ALL seem to have that sixth sense. I have had the same thing happen to me from time to time. I think I see SOMETHING and set the hook before my mind could figure out what exactly I saw and the trout is on. Too bad it does not happen more often!
Pete said that the unconcious mind learns where in the drift the strike is most likely to occur. And I agree with that.

But I think there is something additional with nymph fishing. Which is very subtle movements that indicate a take, that in many cases the concious mind is not aware of. But the unconcious mind processes it.

But if you keep observing and trying to figure out what caused you to strike, you may start to see a pattern, and realize that you are striking when a particular small change in the drift occurs. Probably just a slight hesitation in the drift.

The force is with you explanation is more fun, though!
I caught a black nosed dace the same as you desribed and was told by some on this site it happens all of the time and it was an accident. I just know I set. I caught a few tiny minnows the same, unfortunately I lose allot of bigger fish but hey that little Dace made all those years of catching trees, rocks and grass blades on shore worth it. I say enjoy the moment.
shademt wrote:

in all seriousness i think its a matter of just knowing ones there. How many times have you walked up to a pool, studied the water and knew even before you made your cast.. you think.."there is going to be one right there" And as you watch your drift you know where your fly is.. and as it reaches the spot your thinking...he's rrrrrrright there!! bang he's on.

But doesn't that happen more now, after 30 years of fishing, then in the first season you fished?

It's called "learning." :)

learning ?...i'd say thats an accurate statement...who stops learning?
Ive had tiimes I was in the zone. The "Jedi" hook set I think that the subconscious recognizeses or sees something that is take oriented. Its just a learn reflex to a repeated stimulus. Your taking your consious mind outta the loop. I once read a book about shooting positions by a compotition shooter. His trick was to take the consious mind outta the shooting process. Its the samethong twith flyfishing I think.
Jack M: You should assemble a book with your top 100 replies. I'm sure it would be a best seller!!!! You are a trip, my friend. You are also very knowledgeable. Give me the POWER my Master, THE POWER!!!!!!
That's funny. It is more like "out of the mouth of babes proceedeth the truth."

I could be duller and just say that you will get more hookups, feel more takes, if you keep a tightish line exactly where you need/want the line to be tight. There was no magic, you simply "felt" the take.

The mind convinces itself subsequent to hook up (in vanity) that it reacted before the take, but we know that memory under intense pressure of the moment is more often faulty than accurate.


lol..yea...getting my gear together to head out today again....think i'll go sit crosslegged on the porch and the subconcious mind...and enlighten and cultivate the inner sixth then again its supposed to be in the high 40's...might not be neccessary....all makes for a comical discussion if nothing else

quote..."You have the mojo"

Fly fishing thats a cool that!!
Is that what happens when i'm concentrating so hard that i actually lift out of my neoprenes and begin to hover over the water?..... :)
You are approaching the level spiritual enlightement of Bono from U2! HA
I know of no better yoga posture/movement than the rythmic casting stroke of a fly rod. I can think of no better Koan than the thoughtless thinking that goes into the concentration on the drift. I cannot snatch the pebble from the master's hand, with greater satisfaction than I can hookup on a trout tricked by my fur and feathers, preferably on top during an abundant hatch. As I said, if you haven't dreamed while fly fishing, you have never really fly fished, imlo.
Be not in the moment but of the moment. Nananananananananan..........
Fly fishing is the bee's knees.
interesting topic.

i too have had that experience nymphing but also swinging streamers for Atlantics too.

sometimes you just lift and you 'know'.

i think its either a hunters instinct, or that we fake strike/strike at nothing a lot more than we think we do.

Basically, what I am saying is that tight-line nymphing is cheating.