sixth sense ?



Dec 20, 2011
fished a freestone delayed harvest styream hanging from the rocks.,overcast. Despite the cold water, i was able to catch a couple nice brookies and a few browns. dead drifting nymphs. on the second fish something occured to me. I never really saw any hesitation or pause that prompted me to set the hook. Never really thought about it. More like a reflex or natural reaction or something. A few fish later it happened again. Something prompted me to set the hook, yet afterward i couldn't recall seeing my line hesitate. I tried to replay it back in my mind and i have no explanation what prompted me to set the hook. it just automatically happened, i'm sure had i thought about setting the hook it would have been to late and a missed strike. These trout were biting so subtle. set the hook and they just rolled over like a big old log. I was just wondering if anyone else ever has this happen. ? like a sixth sense or something your mind is telling your wrist to set the hook, yet you never reallysaw anything or think about doing it. Somehow you just know its there.....???


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The force is strong with this one :pint:
You have again touched upon a winter lovefest in the making. Some of these anglers who take themselves very seriously in their learning and implementation of the task of flyfishing refuse to acknowledge the great infinity of nothingness that manifests in flyfishing mojo. You have the mojo, my friend. Embrace it and let the magic begin. Contemplate these pockets. You will "know" where the fishes lie.


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That's happened to me many times, very weird. I don't see my indicator or line move, don't feel a bite or anything, but for some reason I know to set the hook and I have a fish on.
This is great when this happens. I
I often set the hook for who knows why and there is a fish. Sometimes it is a sixth sense but I think we have scuttle clues like a flash under water or something that registers in our mind that we react to. Congrats
You guys definitely got something I don't!
No question -
can't speak for anyone else of course but it really amazed me the way I would just know when there would be a fish in a certain spot-
I was about 90 % streamer fisherman,I would be working downstream going through the drill when THE FEELING would hit-like a bird dog picking up scent.
Never,ever could begin to explain it-it just happened.
Probably the subconscious analyzing previous experiences and saying "hot spot".What ever,it was a very large part of the fun because I could tell my self" i'm good,really good".
Self delusion maybe but I loved it.
You guys definitely got something I don't!

Maybe the force is strong with some of us.

What about the times when you have your fly in the water and your trying to cross the stream, or looking for a new fly, looking in your vest for something and then you go to take your line out of the water and you have a fish on! Thats happened to me twice. Maybe the fish gods like some of us more than others. lol

Pcray is probably typing as we speak. ;-)

Yes, but he uses a text editor, I am certain. Or not. I'd keep that a secret, personally.

Anyhow, pete has an insight. It is the subconscious through which mojo manifests itself. If you have never had a dream while fishing, well.....imo... you have never fished.

Sure is a great feeling but, don't bank on it.

surely i have reached the elevated status of subconscious nymph fishing....truly an art form, preformed by the accomplished elite of the fly fishing entity...sitting crosslegged on the bank eyes closed in mediatation. while the line drifts gently into a pool....or possibly it could be just a megalomania.....and was nothing more than my half frozen brain saying...hey man !!!....get with it you dope!!...didn't you see that pause in your line!!.
Many times, when learning a sport or even performing a task, in the beginning, you think about each step or motion when trying to learn to perform it. At some point, if you became accomplished at it, everything clicks and it becomes automatic, that is, without conscious thought. Keep on casting and keep on fishing.
See if it still works with your eyes closed. If it does, then the force is indeed with you.

If not, it means you are seeing movements in the line and leader, that are being processed by your unconcious mind, rather than your concious mind.

I have never fished blindfolded, but I see your challenge as flawed. You need to see WHERE the presentation likely IS to exercise mojo. Exercising the mojo is not magic, or I would have said so. The result is magic. Do not underestimate the breadth of subconscious learning.
This has happened to me quite a few times, especially dead drifting nymphs. That's about all I do anymore; I can count the number of fish I've caught on dry flies in the last 2-3 years on the fingers of one hand, maybe less. It's something you just "know". The indicator did not move; the line did not hesitate. But, I move to set the hook anyway and, voila, there's a trout.

If this means the "force is with me", that's great. If it's something else, well, I don't much give a as long as I'm catching fish.

actually although i'm new to the site. I'm not new to flyfishing. Unless of course 30+ years of flyfishing is classified as a newbie...?? I do believe that such manifesto of flyfishing zen is best discussed over beer and pretzles....or is it wine and cheese. ?...i forget
30 years is a long time to try to snatch the pebble grasshopper. I thought you were presenting this as a "new" experience.
JackM wrote:
I have never fished blindfolded, but I see your challenge as flawed. You need to see WHERE the presentation likely IS to exercise mojo. Exercising the mojo is not magic, or I would have said so. The result is magic. Do not underestimate the breadth of subconscious learning.

What I said: "If not, it means you are seeing movements in the line and leader, that are being processed by your unconcious mind, rather than your concious mind."
I understand that is sometimes the case, but sometimes, and I take the poster at his word, there was no visual clue to "the take." He believes it and that is good enough. There is however no substitute for knowing that your fly is likely "where it should be taken," and I think THIS subconscious knowledge is the operative one in a good many, if not most, zen-like reflex hookups.

Warning: I have no idea what I am saying.

And to be even more helpful, I will add that removing unnecessary slack as the drift proceeds into the "sweet spot" will often result in "felt" takes, whereas most takes on your nymph go completely unnoticed, even when using a bobber. We know this, don't we?