Site update 2014 and issues



Staff member
Dec 13, 2021

I am working on updating the site and trying to fix anything that may be broken. Some small things have been broken a long time. Now is the time to fix things. I don't want to talk about new features nor do a want a thread that trails off into some spot burning diatribe. I am look for some serious feedback with broken functionality on the site. Please don't ask how to post pictures.

If you know something is not working please be as specific as possible. I am building a list to fix things.
Not sure if this is a problem for all but it is for me. When I send someone a PM it is gone forever. Is there an Outbox where my PM's can be saved in case I need to review them in the future? Thanks.
wbranch, that falls into the category "new features." You can save any sent item by clicking a checkbox in the message form. Try to be judicious in doing this because overloaded PMs, whether sent or saved, have been problematic for the board software in the past.

I recommend anyone who wants to keep an archive of PM conversations consider cutting and pasting the text to a document processor and saving it on their hard-drive. A lot of folks learned a hard lesson when the PM module last crashed. I was not one of them.
Hey guys, do us a favor. Scroll down to the very bottom of the page.

Under the Copyright message liked copied below:

Copyright 2014 by | Privacy Policy| Provided by Kile Media Group | Design by

Is anything at all written or displayed below that?

Let's us know.
Nothing is displayed below the copyright line on the web page for me.
nothing below it here either.
Nothing here either.
Since the site update I've noticed an issue with the "remember me" feature. It's not a big deal I just thought I'd mention it.

I had the same issue. I had to delete my Paflyfish cookies in my browser and reconnect. It took a few times and then I was okay. Seems to happen whenever I do an upgrade.
Thanks for the quick response, Dave. I'll give that a try.