Sinking lines for streamer fishing


New member
May 7, 2019

For those who use a sink tip line for streamer fishing, I was wondering what sink rate you prefer. I am thinking streams like Pine creek, Penns or the LJ?
I have a sink tip line in a 6 weight that I use occasionally for lakes. It sits around on an old Okuma SLV. For Penns, Pine, or Little J, I would NOT recommend a sink tip line to fish streamers. Sure, others will disagree, but I have done a lot streamer fishing, and those streams aren't very deep in all that many places. Depending on the type of streamer being fished, you can fish up to 8 feet deep or so with the right leader, and that is plenty deep for 99% of all situations on those streams.
Ive found in Pa, you don't need crazy deep streamer lines for the rivers/creeks. I use the Cortland Streamer series on my 7wt with the 3"IPS". If i need it to get deep, I just delay my retrieve and let it sink to where I think it needs to be. They have various sinking rates available.

I am partial to Orvis Depth Charge or Bank Shot. Both are 6ips and 7ips respectively. Snags happen, but typically I am fishing a streamer with deer hair that otherwise would be pretty buoyant.
I have a 444 sink tip that I got years ago specifically for fishing streamers early season on the D and Lackawaxen, it works for that purpose very well. But it's a PITA pick up and cast, I haven't touched it in years.