Sink Putty



Sep 19, 2007
Does anyone prefer sink putty vs split shot? I have never tried using it but thought it may make sense seeing that it is reusable and can be molded to any size. I seem to always be going through the shot size that I need no matter how often I restock, although I do like to travel light so I can move with cat-like precision! :lol:
I use tungsten putty sometimes. On the good side, it does seem to snag less than shot. On the bad side, it does tend to come off the line after a bunch of casts. I am not sure how much reuse you will get.

Soooo, if I need a lot of weight, I will use shot. If I need just a little, then I will use putty.
Afish turned me on to Tungsten Tacky Weight. It is way better than the loon stuff. I love it.

I stick some to the brim of my hat, and use as needed. It stays there for weeks at a time.
I use the Loon product, have been for quite some time and think it is a very good product. Good enough that I have no experience with other brands. I like the adjustabilty and the fact when it hangs up it tears off the line and I normally get my flies back. I have not found a problem with it coming off the leader as other have mentioned.
Loon sink putty user here
I Don't use either. lI use lead wire under dubbing. and bead heads, usually tungsten. For the expense of it, use what ever works. I'm surprised no one has come up with a tiny tubes of sticks with tiny pebble casing. I use lead wire and bead heads so I feel the nymph not the line. It's just what I do, not right or wrong. Don't want to mess with putty or fancy indicators. I use the simple segmented backing line. I should show my pics of the fish I catch more often to show that I really do catch them, but us ladies would never consider a pic compared to FF in her red bikini as comparable even with a really nice fish.
I do catch fish. I promise!
Uh... why don't you post up your pictures of FFing in a red bikini
I like it. I often stick it on my chest pack as well. Never need to break off a fly. Tung. Loon is what i have.
my dad just got some and he says that it was a waste of money because it is too sticky and gunks up ur line
What about nymph hooks with the weight already molded on? I hate weighting flies with lead wire, don't like handling the stuff (toxic) and with the heavier wire I have trouble wrapping that last end around and neatly covering it with thread. Weighted nymph hooks could come in different weights to suit needed sink rates.
Jay P.