Simms Headwaters Boot - Stremtread Sole



May 25, 2007
I was in the TCO shop in Reading picking up some bugs for a night on the Tully and got to talking about the new Simms boots that have been much discussed here. My older Simms guide boots are pretty beat up and the felt is pretty much shot. I decided after tryin these on to go for it. So far, I'm pleased as punch.

Worked them out on the Tully which certainly isn't a great test for boots. What I liked about these was the lightweight and the quick-dry of the synthetic upper. I was a little skeptical being a felt guy all my life. I did pick up the simms studs but have yet to put them in. They'll definitely come in handy when I head out west in July though.
I got the same boot about a month ago and have used them in a variety of streams. I don't have the studs in yet but plan to get them. They are working very well so far. They make them wide which is what I need.