Sign the petition to increase fishing license

If someone without any knowledge or experience fishing in PA were to read many of the comments and opinions written here, one would conclude the stream quality and fishing in PA is declining and on the ropes.

The fact of the matter is, there are more wild trout and healthy wild trout streams in PA than there have been in the last century. The numbers of streams stocked and the amount of trout stocked has decreased quite a bit in the last decade or two.

Many lakes and rivers and streams are doing well and are cleaner and have more fish than ever. One of the largest rivers, the one that intersects our state is the Susquehanna River, and the smallmouth fishing is as good as it's ever better been, rivaling it's peak in the 90's. It has had it's problems, but one of the champions of the Susky has been Mr. Arway and the PFBC. Now that the River is fishing well, many of us forget. We need to support his efforts to protect and clean-up the River. If the Susky goes south again, it certainly can't be said it's because of the PFBC or Mr. Arway.

The Delaware Upper Delaware River and has a thriving trout population, the smallmouth are doing very well in the river lower parts of the river, stripers are at an all time high and the shad fishing has been stellar the last few years.

Yes, as I have written many times, I would like to see less dollars spent on stocking and cutting stocking in streams over viable populations of wild trout, but a lot of progress has been made. It's not that easy to cut stocking. There are hundreds of thousands of anglers that buy licenses to fish for stocked trout, plus there are political considerations. Lol...Arway floated a proposed cut of stocking and the politicians wrote a bill that's up for a vote to ouster him!! What more proof does one need! It's a tough job trying to keep everyone happy.

I'm happy, for the most part. I support Mr. Arway and would like to see him continue his tenure as the Executive Director of the PFBC. And I am in favor of the small raise in fishing license fees proposed, along with the ability for the PFBC to raise license fees in the future at the rate of inflation.

The PA sky is not falling, there are a few clouds as there will always will be, but's pretty blue, IMHO.
DaveS wrote:
It does not list an amount. But I do support an increase so I signed.

I got a ten year license last year, so it won’t effect me until 2027.
If I live that long.
Same here. I bought the 10 year license just this year
5 percent out of state license sales for PA. Pretty dismal number eh? For a state that claims to have such awesome fisheries why isn't that number higher? We also share a border with what, 6 states? Maybe people don't want to travel to PA to catch a stocked trout when they can do that in any ditch in their home state? Seems like we keep doing more of the same old stuff that isn't really helping increase license sales in the first place.