Sight fishing walleyes at night



Active member
Apr 3, 2022
Somerset, pa
I haven't found anything saying it's illegal to use a light to shine on water at night in order to spot walleye by the reflection their eyes give off. Would like to know for sure before I put the footage online
Gigging them or on a fly?

Just be careful and don't stare directly into their marble eyed gaze. Rumor has it that is how the heavens gate cult started
Fly, double decievers, longer clousers, the walleye are coming in shallow cuz this time of year hundreds of these minnows(3-4" silver with blueish green sides) go to the bank, I was able to see the walleye chase down the fly
Jacklighting for walleye?

I remember reading in George Harveys books about how he liked to night fish for trout
And seem to recall that he searched for large fish by flashlight
What would be illegal about it? After I give up on a stream stretch at night, I hit it with a headlamp and look for the reflections of eyes of trout. I often wonder what a high power LED headlamp does to the eyes of fish - I know what it does to me when someone shines one directly in my face!
I use led headlamp that I have from Work, the walleyes eyes reflect back a bright green
Screenshot 20221114 141613 Chrome
I hit them on the Allegheny from dusk till I give up