Sideling Hill Hackle

Does anyone have experience with this relatively new hackle supplier?

I’m not sure how long they’ve been in business but I bought several pelts from him 3-5 years ago. As I recall, I got a couple Grade 1 dry fly necks, and a Brahma hen neck. The quality of what I got was very good, and the price was reasonable.

I’ve also seen a picture or 2 of his Cree necks that were bought by other guys, and I drooled with envy.
Sideling Hill isn't new. I remember stopping at his place back when it was a little storage shed in the 90's. Great guy, great hackles. Just have to talk w/ him about what you want. He's usually at the shows w/ inventory too.
I just purchased two of his dry fly capes and really like them. Comparable to a Metz, but a lot less money.
Evan is a really good guy with a good quality product. If you’re planning on buying any necks from him at the shows I recommend you go to see him sooner than later. If you snooze you lose.
I'll have to tell my sone who ties all my flies for me about this. Sideling Hill is about an hour from where he lives.
I drive down that way a lot and some day I'll make the trip (assuming he allows visitors to come and look at capes/saddles before purchase). While I don't begrudge Evan the right to charge whatever the market will allow for his product, I do admit to being a bit saddened that Charlie Collins is no longer producing hackle, that his birds are with someone else and that you can't purchase them for the same price that Charlie asked. Admittedly, Charlie was underpriced relative to the other products out there, that's for sure, but it WAS nice to know you'd get a really fine product, get it for less than the other guy was charging AND get the saddle for free.
He's gone partners with Charlie for breeding

He's not partners with Charlie Collins, but he does have Charlie's birds. Charlie gave the birds to Evan and allows him to do what he pleases with the birds. It was an incredibly generous thing to do and I trust that Evan Brant recognizes that and that he'll do what he can to keep a great genetic Hackle line going.