Sick of the Ads



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
If I see or hear one more ad about how land owners are helping to create our country's new independence (from foreign fuels) I think I'm gonna ralph.

Here's the ad I want to hear.


Hi my name is John Doe and I’ve lived on this land for generations. My father farmed it. His father farmed it. It’s been in my family for over 120 years.

So when they asked me to lease some of it for drilling for natural gas, the first thing I said was, “No way. I love this land too much. I care about the animals and the trees that live here. ” Then they said, “We’ll pay $6,000 an acre and give you royalties of 20%.”

So I reply, “F@$# the animals and trees, I’ll take it.”

Now I quit farming. My wife and I are traveling to Alaska for 6 months to escape having to look at the damage they’re doing, not to mention the explosive water coming from our tap.

I’m proud to be a part of America’s independence from foreign fuels.

And Range Resources is my drilling company
couldn't agree with you more! I hate those ads
AMEN BROTHERS.........i hate 'em too and the politicians who go on and on about the JOBS .......most of the employees are from oil states and have experience with gas/oil work. We had a chance to tax them and didn't ,our Gov didn't want to scare the JOBS away.
I agree with everything said here so far. I would love to see an ad like that!
I never seen one what station do they come on ?
Frederick.........they sneak em in. They start with a nice lookin milf runnin through a field of daisies , with mountains in the bacground covered with forest , things like that. Then some Richard (to quote FarmerDave) comes on wearing a hard hat he's never worn before in his life. He proceed to tell us how GOOD this project is and how We'll be free from oil in no time. It's #OOPS# Fred but look close you'll se 'em at first you might think it's an antidepressant drug commercial but it's not.
I never seen one what station do they come on ?

Naahhhh. You're not gonna see them in your neck of the woods. They run them in the areas that are more directly impacted. They are particularly hot and heavy in NY, where regulation is a bit tighter.
jdaddy wrote:
I never seen one what station do they come on ?

Naahhhh. You're not gonna see them in your neck of the woods. They run them in the areas that are more directly impacted. They are particularly hot and heavy in NY, where regulation is a bit tighter.

They're frequent up here indeed. The message is more about people, i.e. 'citizens' played by actors talking about they think it's safe. The language is very specific. They never admit that it's safe, the just say things like "It's very safe, as far as I can tell". Very sneaky, but would you expect any less?
I hear a lot of them on the radio but not so much on local TV...
TomG....I've seen em on WJAC 6 and Channel 4 of course oh and also WTAJ 10 Altoona , the dude with the hard hat cracks me up.
In the H-burg area they are on the radio a lot. I like the one about the kid who had to move away because there were no jobs, but now he works for the gas company and his dad got his fishing buddy back. They might as well just say "We're the gas company, and we're not evil. Not even a little. Honest" ;-)

I saw that one Matt, I wanted to puke!!!
Down here in SE PA, they were all over 610 and 1060 prior to the election. And on TV too. Have not heard them recently though. myrangeresources. Makes you want to vomit.

'I have neighbors who are just farming for fun now,' rather than the need to farm as a result of the royalties from the leasing was the gist of one of the ads.
jdaddy wrote:
I never seen one what station do they come on ?

[color=FF0000]Naahhhh. You're not gonna see them in your neck of the woods. They run them in the areas that are more directly impacted. [/color] They are particularly hot and heavy in NY, where regulation is a bit tighter.

I live in Chester County (just outside Philly) and I see Range Resources ads all the time. Makes me want to puke too! :roll:
I usually use Firefox with adblock plus but this morning I happened to use IE. And what do I see but a RR ad on the Comcast homepage. You can leave comment on the ads so I did, and rest assured I let them know I wasn't thrilled. I asked them how about some free ads for the non-profits that oppose gas drilling, presenting the other side of the story, lol. Like that'll happen.