


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
New Cumberland PA
These things have been dropping all over for a few days. Maybe a size 14. Do some duns shed a skin before becoming a spinner? White fly? Cahill? I am next to the Susquehanna.

what do we call this thing? I couldn't figure it out on Troutnut.


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Neat pic.
Yes, what you have here is a shucked dun case.

They fall out of trees this time of year and can be found floating on river surfaces. The numbers along the Susky are tremendous, especially around lights and gas stations.

Judging by the pattern on the abdomen, it appears to be from a Hex although they would be pretty big (larger than a #14). There are so many different and mysterious mayfly species that pour off the Susky in summer, getting a positve ID is often difficult. Even Greg Hoover checks gas station lights along the river in summer finding different species.
Gas station lights near rivers are known to attract entomologists.

It's an interesting natural phenomenon.

In a parking lot just an hour ago in Lewistown I had to stop and double check what was piled up. At first I thought it was a bunch of maggots. Upon closer inspection it was a massive pile of dead mayflies. This parking lot is right beside Kish Creek and only 1/4 mile from the Juniata or so. There must have been one huge light right above the pile but I didn't take time to look around. I've never seen just one big isolated pile like that though.