Shehawken --> Buckingham on a Sunday

Fisherboy 3..that's mighty impressive!!!!
No actually, I dont have the book. Kray knows I fish up there alot and have many connections to people up there as well.
I dont know what days you fish up there but I've been to many of those spots and have been the only one there. They are not all mobbed, yeah maybe the more popular ones...IE gamelands, pa and ny boat launches
wbranch wrote:
Fisherboy wrote;

Plenty of access spots on all three branches.

Please tell me where all the access spots are on the main? I can only think of five from Hancock to Lordville. On the entire lower EB from Jaws to Hancock I can only think of four legal parking places and on the upper EB (Sunoco to Downsville) maybe half a dozen parking opportunities. I think the word "plenty" might be somewhat subjective. There are far more public and legal parking opportunities on the Beaverkill and Willowemoc than there on the main and EB.

Of course it's subjective, and I think he's absolutely right there's plenty (which I simply take to mean, quite a few to satisfy most anglers) of access to satisfy most anglers. But of course you can't satisfy everyone.

Sometimes it seems to me there's two groups of anglers, certainly on the Upper D system. Those that just appreciate and enjoy their time on the water up there and those that spend quite a bit of time complaining or being upset about one thing or another up there.

BTW, how's the weekend's fishing going so far? Hope you guys that are up there are catching them. Wish I was up.
I completely agree. Those who complain about there being too many people are usually the ones not catching many.
I had a really good trip to the D this past weekend. I had a hard time finding Hendricksons but the BWOs were out in full fore. I fished the west this time and there was plenty of boat traffic but I didn't see the hendricksons which was dissappointing.

I was there also. The mayflies I saw were Hendricksons, MBs, BWOs, and a couple sulphurs. Saturday was very good.
I floated Buckingham to long eddy last weekend. We saw a total of 3 people all day and had the river all to ourselves on a Saturday. We were targeting bigger fish and aren't really concerned with numbers. We got into some great fish and landed about 10 between us. It is by far the most challenging and most rewarding place to fish I have ever been. I just wish I lived closer.

One thing I also noticed is the flies don't seem to matter as much as the cast and drift. Once my reach cast got going the fishing for better.
I'm surprised to hear complaining about access to the delaware system.
I know of 5 places to get on the WB just in the PA section.
And 10 places to get on the main stem from Hancock to Calicoon
I drove the whole way up there in pouring rain.Found out my hotel reservation was screwed up and had to sleep in damp car. Next day walked two hours to find an open spot without waders or boats every 5 minutes. Finally found some fish feeding.Those fish are too hard to catch. they only eat tiny stuff. You have to wade out into dangerous water and then still cast across several current changes and still can't reach most of them. They are so pounded they are too selective to take the average persons fly. I hate that place. I was lucky enough to hook pne when I went there. and it immediately snapped me off
Damn that sounds like a rough trip
foxtrapper1972 wrote:
I drove the whole way up there in pouring rain.Found out my hotel reservation was screwed up and had to sleep in damp car. Next day walked two hours to find an open spot without waders or boats every 5 minutes. Finally found some fish feeding.Those fish are too hard to catch. they only eat tiny stuff. You have to wade out into dangerous water and then still cast across several current changes and still can't reach most of them. They are so pounded they are too selective to take the average persons fly. I hate that place. I was lucky enough to hook pne when I went there. and it immediately snapped me off

It's a challenging place to fish for sure.
But it also gives a you a shot to catch some of the biggest fish you'll see anywhere in PA.

I've taken some pretty good fishermen up there, who - like you - had a tough time. And never went back.
They're missing out on some great fishing IMO
I took one trip (with a guide) that resulted in no fish and I was deterred but not hopeless. I took three more (I think) trips with members from this forum in drift boats where I came home fishless, but that made me want to catch fish even more. Each trip so far after that has resulted in fish. The D is a darn tough river and yes many of the fish may be conditioned to seeing drift boats, but these fish are wild, big, and smart fish (and they get that way for a reason) which for me lends itself to the allure and challenge of catching them. I can be at the river system in less than an hour so I am lucky, but still it's the most challenging river I have ever fished. Maybe in the next few weeks I can get up there again and maybe I'll catch them and maybe I won't. Either way, it's a day on the water in one of the most beautiful river systems (in my opinion) in the east.
That explains why you didn't wave back

Big bass,
I think you've caught fish every time I've taken you out

Pretty close to every trip we were out resulted in fish. The first one with NickR I went fish less but you got into them. After that, yes, we hit fish in the Stealth. To be honest, I am glad it's a tough river to catch fish. It makes the landing of a wild brown or cracked out bow so much more rewarding.
If you can't perform a decent reach cast you might as well stay home. I swear the flies aren't as important as the drift.

In cases I would have sworn I had to change to an emerger my friend showed me it wasn't the fly. He is a way better caster than I am.

Seems like you have to be patient and when that fish rises you have to put that fly on his nose with a perfect drift.

After my first trip there I got one fish to eat and broke it off because I never felt the strength of Main Stem brown. My second trip I put 5 in the boat by slowing down and trusting my friends guidance.

When I got home I felt like I was in the fly fishing olmypics. 50ft cast with 25mph winds over a seam to the bank and that was all before the take. That is another lightning fast response needed and then fighting the beasts that sip on the banks.

It is the most amazing place I have ever fished. I feel all my years of angling has led me to this place and I am humbled every time I go.
Floated 3 days may1-3. Fishing was tough first day, but day2-3 were your standard 2-4 landed, 2-4 hooked but broken off / popped the hook.

Big d it's pretty much always the same, you hate it for a day or so when the fishing is off, but you always come back after you hook that bank sipper and you see the real potential of the place.
In order to see what it offers, you need to spend 3-4 days. Guarantee one or two of those days will be a bust. Sun, wind, flows etc. I've taken lots of guys up there and very few have come back. Every fish put in the net feels like a small victory. Fooling them is only half the battle. Many first timers are overwhelmed by the speed and power of the fish. It's a special place.
Heading up Weds. Wade fishing probably the east or bkill and floating thurs/friday. Hopin for some good fishin.
We'll be there Saturday - Saturday.