Shad on the Fly



Mar 7, 2013
I enjoy shad fishing and thought it would be nice to start some conversation on were do you catch them and what do you use or any tricks you may have. It is getting that time.
I fish right smack in the middle of philly for them right under the Comcast building and across from the art museum. I use a small clouser with a large led dumbbell. I think the key is lots of vertical movement. I fly fish when I can but the spot dosent always allow it when other anglers are present. I thing green is the best color for them pink yellow and white are also good but I always catch more on green.
its funny I love catching them in the rivers in the spring but when I am fishing the surf and catch them they just **** me off.
Sounds good marcq. It is amassing that you can catch such a wild fish in the middle of towns and cities. I never fish there before,perhaps a future trip.
most places in bucks county near a bridge or wing dam will have them. I like an 8 wt. shooting head setup with lead core to get down deep during the day and a intermediate line in the evenings when the temps are above 50 deg. near shore when they daisy chain.
Shad darts work well and yes, many times the take will be on the fall. Shad darts are very easy to tie. Take a size 2 salt water hook and tie on a small amount of marabou for a tail about 3/4" long, wrap shank with silver or gold mylar, tie on a medium heavy dumbbell and wrap Estaz chenille around dumbbell. Done. I tie mine in all one color in white, red, orange, chartreuse and pink. If you can see the shad and they are not responding to your fly, change colors.

The whole key to shad is finding them. They move in tight schools right along the bottom and where you find them today they might not be tomorrow. The Delaware is a large body of water and the shad follow specific currents so don't expect to show up and find them everywhere. If you can find them they can be caught but finding them is the key.
they run the brandywine too though right ?
I sell a lot of 1/64 ounce shad darts. They do a good job on many streams when the water is up. Red and white, yellow and red, and two tone green seem to be what most fly roders want. That is about the same weight as a tsbb shot to cast.
just need these or similar


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Those top ones remind me of the joe brooks blondes I used to tye years back.
Joe brooks blondes do work in smaller sizes.
What size hook? I checked Google but the range was huge, like 10 all the way down to 2.
I use size 6 and 8 in an eagle claw #L1197GFS or # 1197B's or #L1197NFS
I got a report that there are a few being caught at Deer creek at the river. Conowingo dam is full and flowing over the top according to my friend that was down Sat.
fished the Delaware on sunday, saw 5 shad caught from guys in boats. Didnt get any shad but my dad got a nice large mouth
Thanks Cody, keep us posted. We have a fishing camp on the upper Delaware and I enjoy the shad and trout fishing in mid to end of May.
Not many people and great fighters.
Fished the D again today , nothing and saw nothing caught
Cody not sure if you are specifically targering shad I would try a smaller river with warmer water. The fish will probably be coming in bigger numbers next week. Last I checked the d was still in the upper 40's. The fish get more aggressive when water hits 50 degrees. 55 and up is the best temp cause thats when shad start to spawn.
The theory is of most shad guys is the the shad are protecting there young. They dont actually eat. Much like salmon. I usually wait until it in the low 50's. But if you can get on the water you might as well try. Thanks for the update.
shad are plankton eaters and hit flies and lures from spawning aggressiveness.

cody have to get to bottom to get them , if you are not bouncing bottom and snagiing you are not in the strike zone. reason I fish leadcore shooting heads. if you fish from a boat cast upstream to get down, shad should het on the swing.. do not strike back or you will rip the fly out, shad have paper mouths.

maybe I should come out of retirement and guide again----not
shad are running the brandywine in downtown Wilmington now.
