The shad are current seekers, so the edge of strong and slower current, known as seams are points to target. Unfortunately, as the flows come down ( like now) the shad move more toward center channel and in many areas that are productive for shore anglers under higher flows fizzle out under lower flow conditions. The outsides of bends are better than the insides too, as the outsides are deeper and have better water velocity. Pinch points are good, especially under higher flows as the fish move closer to shore at the pinch points when flows are up. Some of this may not hold true in wide, shallow, featureless areas of the river…the types of habitat that are common from Upper Black Eddy down to Trenton/Morrisville. Lars may be a better source of info for such areas. This early in the season rising water temps are good. Steady is good too, but as with many species in spring falling water temps are show stoppers. Much of shad fishing from shore involves timing, temp, depth, and water velocity, plus finding a place where you can cast (tree branch, shrub branch free).
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