seperating a fly rod?



Jul 24, 2007
Squaretail and I were fishing today and when we got home, I could not seperate 2 sections of my fly rod. We tried to "two-man grip", and I tried the one man, "behind the knees" method and for the life of me, we could not budge it, any suggestions? I always do the old, "rub the end on the side of your nose trick" before assembling but I don't know what happened. Maybe it got bumped against something. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Had this happen and tried for ages. Tried EVERYTHING, ice cubes and hot water, the rubber jar grip pads, nothing worked. Even used a lighter on one side to where the rod started to bubble.

The answer is simple, get yourself a pair of latex gloves and puttem on, then just pull that #OOPS# apart. It was effortless when i did it. This also works on camera gear too if you have adapter rings stuck.
When you think you have taken every precaution and you still can;t get it apart its a moisture problem. It happens to me most when I put my rod away wet from fishing in the rain and the warm car creates a bad situation. Just leave it for a while and try it again later. I stood mine up in the garage one time and walked over the next morning and it just popped right apart. Must have tried for half an hour the night before.
Even used a lighter on one side to where the rod started to bubble.

I am sure this seemed like a good idea at the time. :roll:
Time. Just wait like Tom said.
Cold contracts- heat expands. It's simple science really.
Thanks to all for the tips, I will try them!
if you can't get it and the rod is covered by warranty, maybe you can get a replacement...
Heat the female end and ice the male end. ;-)
If the female is heated I do not recommend icing the could be embarrassing...what? oh, never mind...

No offense fella, but your arms aren't much thicker than your rod, so I would give the rod to someone with more "meat on their bones" to get more oomph into it! Maybe sight_nymph can help....


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Lemon pledge spray wax is really nice for cleaning crud and slime off a fishing rod and also has the advantage of preventing locked ferrules. I actually spray some on a tip of a paper towel that I roll into a point so I get the female Ferrule as welll.

They don't come apart when you're fishing, just don't stick when you want to separate them.

BTW, it's also great for cleaning the dashboard of your car or truck and it doesn't evaporate that haze that ArmorAll does that messes up the windshield.
Afish, don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful!
This happens to me all the time , since I start fishing early in the morning and quit around noon time. Before leaving the stream when you are finished fishing dip the rod in the water for about 30 seconds and try to separate the rod. If it does not separate try it again. Usually works the first time.
My method has not failed me yet it even works on vacuum extensions . Ok heres what you do place the rod behind you knees, keep your hands to the outside of your knees and slowly squat down using your knees to force you hands to spread out the two sections if your hand slip use rubber gloves :pint:
Tried that one many times. In the past, that has always worked for me. We also tried the two-man method with negative results. I'm going to wait a few days and try again, like tomgamber siad. I tried mute's suggestion with rubber gloves, still nothing. Hopefully waiting will do it.
I know "the horse is already of the barn", or as Jack says, "the camel's nose is under the tent", many of the top rod manufacturers recommend rubbing a little paraffin (candle) wax on the male end of the ferrules. It has worked for me for a long time. No stuck rod segments and also no loose rod segments. Give it a try.
NoMoreCornChuckin, you tried with surgical gloves right? Now just like yellow real rubber gloves?
I got it apart this morning, no gloves, popped right off with my hands. Thanks for the tips y'all.
The hard part is finding a 9 ft ceiling you can stand it up in....