Jimbot: Touche'.
1. I hate your music.
2. I hate the nutz.
3. I hate your fingernails.
Other than that, aces!
BTW, I have a friend who was "Voice-over Guy" on a radio station. He may not be too expensive. 😛
Seriously, though, I had no problem following the video. Everyone is different. I've been tying for over 30 years, so I already know the techniques. It's a simple tie. The value for me was in the what and how of your material use.
You can't please everyone. If you enjoy making the videos, keep on doin' it. The internet comes with slings and arrows at no extra charge.
In general, I find the very slow-paced tying tutorials tedious.
I do like some discussion on how, when, where to use certain new patterns, but it's not crucial.
Small constructive criticism (read "picky"): I find the materials list easier to read when it's left justified.