Second Vid.....



Sep 12, 2016
Nice mop Jimbot. Anyplace special you get your mops...or jus use the cleaning supplies section?
Ive got two mops that i got from retail stores. But i couldnt find a gray one. I found the gray mop here.
Great videos. However, why do most who make these find it necessary to play music instead of explaining the tie? Seems to be he norm.
i agree with joe above.

explaining steps and techniques will help new tyers

music videos (and coffee cups) do nothing for me except to move on to another video (mcphail, weillenman, tightline etc)
I didnt make this as a beginners video. Sorry about that.

If you have any questions i would be happy to help!

If your looking for an educational vid i suggest tim flaglers videos on youtube or vimeo. They explain everything.


Here ya go!

This vid should help you out.

We aren't criticizing you. Even Flager and Grobert play music while explaining the process. Neither are for beginners either.
Oh ok. Thanks!
I have to be honest, the #PAFF is turning into look at me #Central
Hey man i just made a vid if you dont like it give it a thumbs down.
The problem with forums and the internet in general is the people who love to spue venom onto others from behind their keyboards, gutless snobs that wouldn't say a thing to you in person. I think Tim Flagler may have some competition in the future.
Don't be discouraged JimBot, keep making those videos.
Nice video Jim . I feel the view of you tying the fly was plenty enough instruction for this fly .
I too thought it was a nice video. I'm certainly not an expert tier, but I could plainly see each step and with materials list at end I would be able to tie this fly. I also enjoyed the music; very appropriate.

I really enjoyed your damselfly vid also.
Thank you to all that gave me complements.

Also, thanks for all the incites, and criticism.

It was only my second video, and to be clear I made it on my phone. For gods sakes.

So.....I didnt expect a fight about this.

But to be sure the internet is a cruel and salacious *****.

I have only been tying flies for 6 years, and im a noob for sure.

I wasnt trying to claim fame or fortune. I was just excited to use my new computer.

I like making videos and i might make more....

Wow. "How to make friends and influence people."
Jim, it wasn't a personal attack, just an observation which also involves other forum members. Just a point of information, mods don't appreciate the use of #Profanities
I know..i was just kidding..jeeeezzz :)
pro4mance wrote:
Jim, it wasn't a personal attack, just an observation which also involves other forum members. Just a point of information, mods don't appreciate the use of #Profanities

Than why post it in his thread? Seems like a topic that might get some legs in the "off the water area".