Second chance

I know it's apples to oranges, but I once caught a very large stocked golden trout twice in 4 hours. It was my traditional opening day spot where I tend not to move around much and spend a lot of time on my favorite stretch. Different flies, each time. I was truly shocked as I wasn't intentionally trying for the fish after already catching and photoing it earlier. I really didn't think he would actively bite again for a few days. The next day, Sunday I fished the same stretch and a young man with a spinner caught and kept that fish. So there is one large trout being caught three times in less than 36 hours. I often wonder how many times the average trout is caught and released in his lifetime on a popular C&R water with heavy pressure.

In regards to wild browns, I know they are much warier, but also territorial. He likes that lie for a reason You'll get another chance at him if you're patient.
I wouldn’t even try it once the brush grows back in for summer…

I was thinking that a terrestrial might be the best shot at catching a fish in Peters. Plop a nice beetle or hopper down and see what happens once the streamside flora is alive. Or perhaps a dry/dropper. One of the challenges I found with a streamer in water like that is getting it down quick enough to their strike zone. That usually requires a good bit of weight, which is counterproductive because it often scares the bejesus out of them. Peters, like the Letort, FSB, etc., all make you a better angler.