SE Opening day blow out?

Last night during the rain I had a pretty good riffle running along my curb lol
Was out at 6am to get a spot at hay creek, only took my spinning gear to see if they would eat. I've never seen it there when nobody has any fish on a stringer in the entire rustic park. Should be great tomorrow.
Got out this morning. Valley Creek was in perfect shape, but fishing wasn't as good as I hoped. Got a few. Saw 1 other angler. Rarely see anyone there. Must be opening day, lol.
Water conditions today were much improved in the SCPA area.

Freestoners up on South Mountain were just about perfect. The lower valley streams in Adams County had dropped quite a bit since yesterday and were clear by PM.

I'd say the shot of precip turned out just about right.
I was out on the Breeches this morning. The water was a bit higher than average and dirty, but still fished pretty well. The stream was packed and I was lucky to catch 3 trout and 1 sucker.
Muddy Creek was at 500cfs at 8am and dropped to near 300 by noon, still chocolate milk. Say two limits and a few with a couple fish. Many skunkings, far fewer anglers than normal.

Should be prime tomorrow.
I fished Spring this morning and it wasn't too bad. It had a nice color and some streamers caught a few fish. There certainly weren't fish rising everywhere like last Saturday. I may hit some other wild brown trout water here in Mifflin County tomorrow or even possibly target some pellet head rainbows in Juniata County. Hmmmmmm.....probably going to choose the wild browns with zero other anglers around......
Did 'nt fish yesterday but took a ride and looked around.The covered bridge park area along the Jordan was high and muddy and NO ONE fishing the entire stretch.The LL was also high and muddy and the few anglers that I spoke to said they caught nothing and did 'nt see anyone else catch any.When the water drops it should be a good season in the LV.More HEAVY rain predicted for Tuse and Thurs.!
Waters around the delco area are beginning to drop but they are still pretty murky. Hopefully clears up next few days. Was out this morning though and did pretty well on the stockers. Although had just gotten to the creek when some kid comes stomping through the creek full speed. I guess he was trying to scare the trout downstream.
Muddy cleared up nicely for today, the upper end was clear in the riffs and green in the pools while the lower water near woodbine was green to brown. Tomorrow woodbine will be excellent. Caught a dozen between the three of us but only one was on my line.
You are correct that there are plenty of fish around. Catches were exceptionally poor in Berks and Lehigh Co on Saturday, even in some of the lakes. While the stream fisheries suffered from high, muddy water, the lake water temps fell with the cold inflow on Friday. Most species, coldwater or warmwater, don't hit very well in rapidly and substantially falling water temps, especially when the water is already cool.
I snuck out again today in Southeast PA and the fishing was almost too easy due to the sheer nos. of trout still left. Every good run had multiples in it, the pocket water was a real pleasure! One run yielded four fish in the 13-14" range and at least that many small ones. Covered a lot of water in a couple hours with good results everywhere I tried. Never even changed flies; simple caddis pupa under an indicator was all I needed. A buddy was fishing Chester Creek and reported similar results. More rain coming too, so it should be good for some time. Fingers crossed for consistent rainfall!
It was a good day to get rid of flies/streamers/etc that you didn't want to keep.

Great day for practice.