Scuds...tied with Wool?



Active member
Jan 5, 2011
Any GravelBar, will do just fine. 365. Fresh&Salt
Yesterday, at craft store, ran across Mixed Shades of Olive / 100% FELTING WOOL.
Looked like it might make for a scud pattern

I am just starting to tie.
My Materials knowledge is limited.
Requesting feedback on how this 100% wool would perform, compared to traditional scud dubbing, also compared to Acrylic Wool.

A recent YouTube of the BABY DOLL wool fly is what started all this.

Thank you. Your thoughts are appreciated.
I'm not familiar with this particular material but, based on your description, it sounds like it would work well.

Craft stores are great places to look for fly tying materials. They're often much cheaper and, just looking at the stuff, will sometimes set off the old creative light bulb and lead you down some fun and productive fly tying adventures. One thing to be aware of: some craft store materials weren't designed to be submerged under water and will leak colors or corrode rapidly.
Since you're just starting to tie, my advice would be to stick to "traditional materials" to get the feel of tying and how materials behave. Once you get some time at the vice, branch out and start exploring alternative materials (craft shop, dryer lint, dog hair, etc.). Not reason to confuse yourself more than necessary when starting to tie. There is enough confusion in learning as it is.

Just my two cents... Good luck!
I think the key to those days when you are catching fish when other r just doing ok is to be different. First thing I do when I visit my mother (88 years young) is go thru all her fabric scraps. Something in there just may be the next hit on the water. I say try what ever floats your boat. Nice thing is for the most part experimentation is cheap.
I think wool, to start is a bit bouyant, and hard to sink till it is good and wet. I hardly ever use wool for anything other than weighted streamers that i am also fishing on a sink tip. When forced to fish woolhead streamers with a floating line, I always give em a good ol letort stomp before i begin fishing.