Screen name



Active member
Jun 26, 2010
Is there any way I can change my username?
Tloomis did it. You no longer affiliayed with LRSA? If it's none of my business, that's fine too. Just curious.
LRSABecker wrote:
Is there any way I can change my username?

Yes. It's called creating a new account.
I know how to do that, I was just hoping to change the name and keep all of my Pm's and what nots.
pm DKILE he can prob do it, or maybe any of the mods??
Yep, resigned, they can suck my...o nevermind

Still love the Lehigh though.

Ehhh, Maybe I will get involved with the LCFA

Already have been asked by Hokey Tu to take part in Project Healing Waters. Obviously, i will be much more involved with that TU as well.
I gotcha. Sorry to hear you had a falling out with the LRSA, are you still going to lunkerfest?
Glad to hear it, Shane. Told you those guys were a bunch of you know whats.

Raise a brewskie tonight to celebrate!
Yea I will be fishing Lunker Fest the minute it is over Jason. 3 o clock comes, my nymph will be in the water.

Stelie, some good guys there I won't bash them, they just do not understand some things.
It's tough to get some people to even open their minds enough to look at a different perspective, let alone change. Hope you find what you're looking for, mang. But Yeah, The admin/mods should be able to change your SN without losing any of your stats/posts/pm's.
LRSABecker wrote:
Yea I will be fishing Lunker Fest the minute it is over Jason. 3 o clock comes, my nymph will be in the water.

Yea, Ty PMed DKile and he changed it for him.
Thanks guys Pm'd Dave and I am sure once he get back from the jam he will help me out.

Actually talked to Jdaddy and was thinking about taking the drive up to the jam, now that I don't have to run anything tomorrow.
Do it up. Id love togo but I have a wedding to attend. Much much much rather be jammin.
Does this mean we can't call you larissa any more??? I would love to hear the story.
Do it up. Id love togo but I have a wedding to attend. Much much much rather be jammin.
How'd that double post delay? Wow
Interesting story about some guy from LRSA. I was up at Altmar in April fishing the Salmon and a guy who's car was parked next to us walked over as we were gearing up. I noticed he had a LRSA hat on so I told him we were from the Allentown-ish area and occasionally fish the Lehigh. We started making small talk and he mentioned all the great things they are doing with the lehigh, the rainbow population, flows, blah blah blah. He said he thought it was great that so many people were protecting the water and that he made sure to release all the fish he caught because they are so valuable, blah blah blah.

I then asked him how he did with fishing and he was like "take a look". I looked inside the hatchback of his pickup and he had a cooler with 4 steelhead and two MONSTER brown trout in it. There was only him and one other guy.

Definitely wasnt practicing what he preached. Not saying everyone in that group is like that, but whoever that guy was, he was a jerk.
LRSABecker wrote:
Yea I will be fishing Lunker Fest the minute it is over Jason. 3 o clock comes, my nymph will be in the water.

Stelie, some good guys there I won't bash them, they just do not understand some things.

I hope you take time to think it over and be sure its what you really want. In any organization there's always going to be a decision or opinion on something that crops up from time to time that you don't agree with. It's not necessarily a reason to walk away. I've seen guys storm away from TU in a knee jerk reaction to not agreeing on one issue. We both kbow the LRSA does a lot of fantastic conservation work that should be weighed out carefully in your decision.

BTW, the Lehigh River is public water bro you know you can fish it there during lunkerfest right?