Scissors in hand when tying?

i do not tie with scissors in hand as it never did anything for me regarding speed or efficiency. my scissors are usually right in front of me so they are there when i need them
I haven't tied in so long I'm not sure what I do. I bet sometimes they stay in hand until I decide they need to be put down.

Which reminds me:
A guy takes his St. Bernard to the vet and says he has been lethargic and not eating well. The vet lifts the dog up with some strain, turns him around and stares into his hind quarters for a few seconds. He turns to the owner and says, "I'm going to have to put him down."
The astonished owner asks, "you decided to euthanize him just from staring at his butt?" The vet replies: "No, I have to put him down, he's really heavy."
I keep my scissors in my bobbin hand around my ring finger. I don't think it saves much in the way of time, but that's what prompted me to try it ... now it's just comfortable and it feels sort of weird when I put them down.
I keep my scissors in my hand when tying. Dont know if helps with speed or not, but now it feels weird to tie if I dont have them in my hand.

Have never stabbed myself either.
I sometimes will put my sissors in my flytying platform drawer - close it - then wonder where I put them 5 minutes later. Go figure!

Wish they made one of them flobees for flies and not just for human hair cuts - my flies would look much better.

I don't tie with my scissors in my hand intentionally. I have tried it in the past and and any time I think I might have saved I surely lost after having to run and get a bandaid to patch myself up after doing something stupid. I'm sure it works great for some folks, just not me.
i gotta admit I have had a few chuckles from the guys talking about stabbing themselves. I guess I am just lucky that I have never done it. I have even been pulled away from tying to do other things in the house and will carry my scissors right with me. On several occasions my wife has asked me why i am carrying them.

The only time they create an issue is when I am using my Fugly packer, i usually have to set them down while packing the hair.