Schuylkill River in Schuylkill Haven



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Captured and saw a number of wild and/or fingerling stocked BT while sampling in the subject water today. In the collection process at least four wild ST ranging from 9-12 inches were captured and released along with a number of 8-14 in. BT. Allowed to pass without being netted were four BT in the 15-18 inch range. The technique being used was inefficient for a river of that width, yet most of the fish were caught or seen within about a 150 yd stretch, suggesting fairly good numbers present in good habitat. Fish were occasionally rising to caddis. Fish were in good condition...feeding well. The Little Schuylkill in Port Clinton also looked quite inviting.
Some very nice brook trout in a large scenic river. If I lived closer, I think I'd spend a lot of time on this waterway.
Dave_W wrote:
Some very nice brook trout in a large scenic river. If I lived closer, I think I'd spend a lot of time on this waterway.

Brook trout / wild trout...yes. Scenic?!...Schuykill

To appreciate how amazing this is, one must have seen this river in days gone by, flowing through the middle of the coal region . The fact that wild trout can be found there gives one hope that nearly any river or stream can be reclaimed.
Tom, you're saying that trout don't like orange colored water? Pretty amazing recovery for sure
krayfish2 wrote:
Tom, you're saying that trout don't like orange colored water? Pretty amazing recovery for sure

The gemmies actually have an advantage there....the color of their bellies match the color of the water and rocks....natures camo!!
I must be thinking about a different section or maybe the Little Skuke.
Has this section of river (or its tribs) had passive or some other measures applied to mitigate AMD, or has the river just slowly recovered on its own?
Passive treatment projects are in operation upstream on some tribs and former discharge points. Some substantial natural changes in pH have occurred as well, particularly on the West Branch, which enters the main branch in Schuylkill Haven. Unfortunately, correction of various insults to water quality takes time...whether the abatement so are natural or man-made.
My cousin works for Rettew and he told me they've done some stuff to help the river up there a bit over the past several years.