Schuylkill River, Conshohocken, Mntg. Co. shad electrofishing results



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
See the PFBC web site Area 6 biologist reports for the link below or just link directly. Results from electrofishing for adult American shad as well as other species, including smallmouth bass, are included.

Thanks for posting that, as I was gonna ask you if you could provide the results. Also, are there any plans in the works to tear down plymouth dam? It's already breached and I've been hearing for years that they are gonna tear it down, but nothing ever seems to come of it.

Plymouth Dam removal was delayed primarily by the permitting process. All permits have now been acquired by Pa. DEP, the dam's owner, and the plan is to remove the dam by the end of this summer. With Norristown and Black Rock Dam fishways now constructed and operational, once Plymouth is removed the Schuylkill will be open to fish migration for the 100 river miles that entend from the mouth to the base of New Kernsville Dam, just upstream from Hamburg (I-78).
Thanks Mike. That's great news. I'm very curious to see what will happen to that stretch of water with the dam removed.
Thanks for the latest update on the project. I searched the FBC site to reread the details on the Skuke shad restoration project. Interesting and worthwhile project IMO:
Has anyone lately been having any success in that area of the river? The report sounds great but I have been there and haven't caught a thing. The water has been high with all the rain. Are the fishing closer to the dam?

On June 2, 2009 Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Area 6 personnel electrofished the Schuylkill River in Montgomery County from the area directly below Plymouth Dam downstream to the Matsonford bridge in Conshohocken. The main purpose of the survey was to document the presence or absence of American shad adults.
American shad migrating up the Schuylkill River are confronted with two dams before reaching Plymouth Dam: Fairmount Dam, located 8.3 miles from the confluence with the Delaware River, and Flat Rock Dam, located 7 miles upstream from Fairmount Dam. In recent years fish passage facilities in the form of fish ladders have been built at Flat Rock Dam (opened 2006) and refurbished at Fairmount Dam (re-opened 2009) to facilitate American Shad migration up the river. The survey was completed to assess whether any American shad had ascended the Flat Rock fish ladder.

In 45 minutes of boat electrofishing, 2 male American shad (16.5 inches long and 19 inches long) were captured. No other American shad were observed. Their discovery was the first time that American shad adults had been known to be present in the Conshohocken area since about 1820 when Fairmount Dam was built.

Other game fish species of interest were collected and included smallmouth bass, walleye, channel catfish, and flathead catfish. Sixty smallmouth bass were captured and ranged in lengths from 5 to 19.5 inches. Numerous other smallmouth bass over 15 inches long were observed, but could not be captured. Fifteen channel catfish were captured and ranged in length from 18 to 24 inches. A similar number were observed, but not captured. One flathead catfish was captured, although two others (one over 30 inches) were observed escaping the electrical field. Three walleye were captured and ranged in length from 11 to 24.5 inches. Another large walleye was observed escaping into shallower water. Other non-game fish species captured or observed included: white suckers, quillback, gizzard shad, one satinfin shiner, and one American eel.

This river reach provides anglers with excellent fish habitat, easy access, and a nice population of game fish, especially smallmouth bass and channel catfish. Anglers are advised that the populations may vary in this stretch with river flow and seasons of the year. They are also advised to check the rear of their fishing regulations summary booklet for health advisories that apply to certain species in this segment of the river.
Interestingly enough, I was at the flat rock fish ladder yesterday, and witnessed a catfish and large smallmouth utilizing it.

The fishing, however, sucked.
ndilisi wrote:
Has anyone lately been having any success in that area of the river? The report sounds great but I have been there and haven't caught a thing. The water has been high with all the rain.

Your last sentence pretty much answers your question on fishing all the bigger rivers so far this summer. Hopefully they will get down to a decent level soon.

Here is a link on the Skuke fishing from Eastern PA Fishing Reports:
Looks like the Vincent dam On the Schuylkill should be gone soon :-D
I'm really interested in what the skuke will look like after they take down plymouth and this damn. There's some pretty good fishing/water right below plymouth damn.
Vincent dam has to go, but I will be heading out there to pay my respects before it does.

I have had a lot of good times there.