schuylkill county -



Sep 30, 2012
Was thinking of exploring brookie opportunities in schuylkill county near hamburg / port clinton

was thinking of trying to access rattling run from the SGL ( i think i read there that the easier access is posted)

Stupid newbie suburbanite question... do i need to go in there prepared for bears/snakes?

The stream is controlled by the Port Clinton Sportsman Club. Access is open to members only. The waters get skinny pretty fast as you move up stream. I never ventured that high in the shed because of that. The membership is relatively inexpensive but is mainly by mail or if you can catch someone at the club house. I think they need to vote you in as a member though so don't expect to get your card right away.
The club doesn't control the whole stream, but does control access via the easy way in (from the west along rt. 61 at the mouth). Much of the stream is on SGL and is open to fishing, you just have to access the SGL section legally - which is possible by using the SGL roads along the ridge to the north and hiking down the ridge.

As far as snakes and bears, I'm sure they're both there but I'd say the odds of a snake enounter are better than a bear encounter. Those first few ridges north/northwest of Harrisburg/Lebanon/Reading/Allentown are known for being snakey, especially on their south facing slopes, which you'd have to hike down to access Rattling legally from the SGL. Bears are present along those ridges, but in generally low numbers. Watch your step, avoid especially bouldery areas in the open sunshine on the ridge, and make some noise as you're going along and you'll be fine on both accounts.
