School me on Rods

I have a four piece LL Bean Stream- lite. It is an 8.5" for a 5wt. and has turned into one of my favorite rods. When fishing stuff that isn't tiny, it is the one that I reach for most often. Medium fast action, and extremely light, it has pretty much turned my four piece Orvis (9'-5#) into a dust collector. I think it still goes for around $160 with a reel on hard case, making it handy to keep in the truck for those got out of work a little early (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) moments.
I have off tonight, and depending how long my College Planning class goes...I am going to research rods tonight.
ryguyfi wrote:
also check out Albright for some good deals.

HOLY CRAP! These prices are ridiculous. The G5 is only 45 bucks! Are these worth buying?
I take umbrage at the idea that you're' getting some wicked deal on the rod due to a megasale as it appears to me that they only sell through their website, making the MSRPs utterly bogus, and the actual, and only, value of the rod what you get it for on "sale."
Yeah thats why I was skeptical. I mean 45 bucks is cheap, and they dont "look" cheap. And I know the MSRP is off. Cause thats just unheard of. But if other guys have used em, and its 45 bucks. hell, why not
The Albright A5 rods have a good reputation, but most sizes are already sold out. The GP rods are the ones you are looking at for $45. The GP series rods don't seem to be competitive with higher end rods. They are not even designed for a single line size as they come for lines 3/4 or 5/6. I'd be a little cautious.
Yeahh. I have another question. How many of you guys use 4 or 5 piece rods? I am skeptical about them. Should I be>
I'd always used 2 pc rods especially after my first 4pc rod broke. While casting, the tip section wiggled loose and split it at the connection. I figured that the less sections, the less chance of failure and that the 2 pc rod was stiffer. I was wrong. If I have 9 rods, 6 are 4pc and 3 are 2pc. The 2 pc rods are older and more of a pain in the a** to transport. After talking to many shops and manufacturers, I subscribe to the theory that the 4 pc rod is typically a little stiffer than the 2pc and there's really no worries about failure at the ferrules.

A 4pc rod is easier to pack or carry with you if you are doing some backpacking. You can't go wrong with either.
A 4 piece is also easier to transport in packed cars for family vacations with less complaints from the wife about all the junk you bring.

You won't have to worry about the wife awhile, but if I can remember well enough, its pretty similar to complaining parents except you can't retreat to your room and play your DS while you sulk anymore. :)

I was going to only buy 2 piece rods, but when I bought my first rod intended for saltwater use I knew I'd be transporting it places, and I've changed my tune. 4 piece (or more) from here out.
Thanks for the input guys.

Sounds like I really just need to go cast rods...:D