Say goodbye to trout fishing on the Delaware if this happens

There is a moth-balled desalinisation plant near my brothers place in Carlsbad CA. There are some very California-esque reasons while its not in operation.
Recycle the sewage: plenty of water for everyone. GG
mcwillja wrote:
The contingency is better but not good for the main stem. Like Andy said with a 325 release the main will have exposed rocks and riverbed. Not good at all.

Doesn't the flow on all running waters fluctuate based upon available water in the watershed? I mean, are we proposing some artificial flow stabilization just to suit mayfly enthusiasts? So many interests to be accommodated when we dam a stream/river. If I fished the Delaware, I'd be celebrating that the proposed flow is to be higher (significantly) than the minimum mandate.
JackM wrote:
mcwillja wrote:
The contingency is better but not good for the main stem. Like Andy said with a 325 release the main will have exposed rocks and riverbed. Not good at all.

Doesn't the flow on all running waters fluctuate based upon available water in the watershed?

Most places yes, Delaware no.
Andy wrote;

What about the Montague gauge having to be kept at 1750 cfs?

Exactly! This is the main reason I have never really gotten worked up about the doom and gloom for the potential of extremely low water in the upper Delaware system for very long.

The 1750 CFS (I thought it was 1850 CFS) is a mandate that has not changed in over twenty-five years. I don't know the rationale behind it but guess it has something to do with keeping the salt line below a certain point way down near Philadelphia.

I just don't believe all the homeowners on Lake Wallenpaupeck were going to stand by and let the lake be virtually drained to meet the shortfall between whatever was coming out of Cannonsville and Pepacton and the mandated 1750 CFS at Montague.
I think the Delaware does get some recycled water. When I checked it years ago the withdrawals were about 3 x the flow so most of the used water goes back.

Upper Delaware flows don't follow the weather like in other places. In a cool, wet year the releases are low and it a hot, dry year they are high. Tailwaters can have good and bad years out of sync with the nearby freestones.
Floated lower Main yesterday. The feeders still have some water in them. River level was good. Fish looked fat and healthy. They should get substantial rain in next 36 hours so things still look healthy for now. I think the air temp was 47 when we pulled out of the ramp last nigh. Chilly nights have definitely helped.
Looks like there's a lot of water now. Amazing to have this much water right now compared to last fall.
BK 6100 cfs this morning!!
For what it's worth there was an agreement reached. Except New Jersey didn't sign on. So NYC DEP decided to go forward with what amount to FFMP II they were to start releases on June 1 according to this;Delaware
Chaz, that was in this thread a few pages ago. LOL.

What a difference a year makes !! Here's a look at this time of year 2017 vs 2016. Hope it keeps raining up there and stays cool but that's not likely.


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