Savage River 10/30?



New member
Mar 14, 2017
Can anyone provide any insight on the Conditions of the lower Savage? We were thinking about making the trip tomorrow, but the weather as well as the flow chart has me a bit weary.

Mods will move this shortly as this is for reports only not information requests. Below is a screen shot of the reservoir, if i had to guess i would say tomorrow would be a great flow, maybe 125. The current flow on the lower has been pretty flat through the storm, only a swing of 10 or 15 cfs. Obviously I'm just predicting, check in the morning, the army corps can be little flaky with releases.



gotcha! I apologize for the incorrect location. Thanks for the info! Much appreciated
Always check this site first:

This will tell you the planned future releases the next 3 days and the whitewater schedule for the year.
I wish that page where more realistic, the corps does a poor job with it's predictions, imo. I guess that's an entire different discussion though. So how was the savage?
Thanks for the advice guys... It was actually VERY fishable and we had a great day on the water.

This is my second time fishing the Savage.. The colors on the fish are awesome in this River. I've attached a picture from the best looking brownie of the day.

Quick Question: I know that there are a lot of tributaries with native brooks, But do you guys ever catch any larger ones (over 10") in the Savage? I'd assume they're probably rare?

Thanks again!


  • Savage River Trout.jpg
    Savage River Trout.jpg
    106.2 KB · Views: 1
Wow! That's a great photo of a stunning brownie!
sch5571 said
Quick Question: I know that there are a lot of tributaries with native brooks, But do you guys ever catch any larger ones (over 10") in the Savage? I'd assume they're probably rare?

Yes, the Savage holds larger brook trout in decent numbers. Fish in the 10-14 inch range not uncommon.
Yes, a couple a year around 12 inches. Hopefully one this weekend.
What you will find out about the Savage is that certain sections hold different species just like other streams. You rarely will find rainbows in the trophy section in between the two swinging bridges, once in a while I would see one cruising by the deck or in the dam pool below the upper swinging bridge. The lower end obviously from migratory N. Branch Rainbows is always full of rainbows all the way up until about 200 yards past the bridge that goes across the Savage upstream; there are two legit pools that are always full of rainbows. Then they seem to stop there for whatever reason. The 7X Flats above the upper suspension usually has some rainbows in the head but rarely do I pick up rainbows past that hole until you get to the PH. D hole. Then as you start getting into "Shrimp Land" aka the forbidden section towards the dam that is covered with green slime and some of the biggest freshwater scuds you will ever find, you will catch some thick bows from the reservoir. Brookies are spread throughout the whole system though, if you fish the water most people walk by you will be amazed of how many little guys will nip at your fly. Sheehan and others may disagree with me but when I used to fish it heavily prior to the last couple years those were some of my findings.

When I was just starting to be "successful" on the Savage I used to catch a lot of really nice browns in the lower reaches, but after they started fingerling stocking the Branch a lot more and those fish started to find the Savage I stopped catching the number of browns I used to in the lower sections. Maryland DNR disagrees with me that the bows started pushing the browns upstream but until they shock that section I'll never be proven right. They always take their data from the upper half of the river.
Agree with pretty much everything you said. It sounds like I think there are a few more browns below the iron bridge than you but everything else we are in complete agreement on. My friend's father wanted a few fish while we were on the Savage yesterday, can you guess the two places where we pulled out 4 stocker bows for him :lol: We caught some wild(or fingerling) bows that we threw back and plenty of great browns in the mix too. Will post a report and photos when I have a minute.