Saturday WHITE-OUT, 2/14/15



Feb 12, 2013
So the weather forecaster said the front would blast through at 7pm Saturday. She was off by 20 minutes late. Light snow and calm…then WHITE OUT and 45 mph gusts. Instant frost-bite risk and a scramble upstream to find my other rod. YOWZA! About 10 minutes after being in the truck I could start to use my fingers again.

A nice 21"er and a 16"er thanks to Michael Schmidt's Tan Viking Midge purchased at the Somerset Fly Show.

Not Conodoguinet Creek since it is frozen…think warmer.

I witnessed several half-inch long stone fly fluttering about earlier.

Get out there and fish...


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Nice work and nice fish. However, a psychiatric exam may be needed. What in the he'll are you doing out in this weather? LOL. Have you ever considered bowling as a hobby?
You may have surpassed "hardcore" FF during that outing - lol, But it looks like it paid off, nice pics.
" A nice 21"er and a 16"er thanks to Michael Schmidt's Tan Viking Midge purchased at the Somerset Fly Show."
I thought you only slang the big ol' meat flies, like a tandem rig of size 0 articulated Butt monkeys
Very cool, and not just the weather! :-D congratulations, no cabin fever here...
Do not be fooled by the name of the is a 4.5-5" articulated streamer. I have been alternating between 10-ft sink tips with non-weighted streamers and intermediate tip line with weighted streamers. Because water levels have been so low...the intermediate line has been the ticket. (RIO Streamer Tip, clear)

"Michael Schmidt's Tan Viking Midge"

I purchased a Tan & Olive version at Somerset. These tend to be sparser than the flies I make. Being they are being used at sunset or after dark, it is the movement/silhouette that gets the strike. Lots of streamers can perform equally as well.

Actually I was surprised to get 16"er...normally I get larger than 21". Must be too small of a streamer...

Attached find a crazy color version of the Viking Midge streamer & a little something I tied last night...7" fallfish...give them what they want (a snack for the over two-footers)!


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Great Fish Nightstalker!

the temp was 30 to 32 when I started (no snow calm and peaceful) and 28-29 when these fish were caught...then 25-45 mph gusts with heavy snow when Mother Nature flipped the switch.

Knowing what weather was coming after Saturday, I had to get out. I can not go 4-5 days in a row with out getting a line wet...especially when I know where the beast are sitting. That would be just insane! Most local water, except certain spring feed limestoners, are now completely covered in ice.

I saw a muskrat swimming in the only open water I saw yesterday...while driving out for lunch and groceries.

Just because it is "cold" does not mean the "fun" must stop...


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Some mighty nice trout - hardcore!