Salt water line question



Mar 18, 2013
So I just purchased a tfo bvk rod for a bonefish trip. The reel that came with is equipped with a Rio freshwater sink tip line. Is that Ok or good enough to use in salt water or should I buy a salt water specific line? Thanks for the help!
Is it a intermediate sink tip or a sink tip to get down fast. reason is you will be fishing shallow water (inches) for bones. Some times you have to make a delicate cast too. For bones a floating line is most used. Did you buy from a fly shop or big store, maybe you can trade for a regular salt water line ( they make bonefish lines that work in freshwater) I would need more details on rod and where you are headed for bones to help anymore.

This is the line in the 300 grain. I purchased from eBay but brand new. I don't think I'll be able to trade. I could either just save it and use it for steel head or sell it.

I'll be dishing grand cayman for bonefish and tarpon.

Oh and it's a tfo bvk 9ft 8wt rod with bvk reel.
Not completely sure about bonefish. But I have three different for my 8 and 10 wt. floating slow sink and fast sink. From what I know about bones is its mostly flats fishing. That being said I think a int sink should be ok. I use it on the flats in BB and It works for me. I'm not sure about color of like but I feel clear helps cause bones are spook from what I have read and saw on tv.

The line you bought is a Class VI sink tip (listed as 7.3 ips) a real fast sinker. And at 300gr. it is probably overweight for your 8wt rod. Cast it and try it out.

Anyway, as Sandy posted, bone fishing on the flats is a shallow water thing. Casting that line you have would be like throwing a bowling ball into the water.

Definitely get yourself an 8wt floating line for Bones, preferable one made for warm climate SW applications.

Have a great trip! Pics for sure.
Ok thanks for the help! I'll definitely do a write up with pics once I get back.
Scientific Anglers Mastery Chard taper WFF.