Salmon River Flies

  • Thread starter Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah
  • Start date
Hmm your meds must have kicked in finally. Thank god.
All JU is trying to say is that the fly is in the location it is because it was re-positioned for photography. If someone is giving your (hypothetical) product a good word and provides a picture, would you want it inside a fishes mouth where it's not viewable? Just sayin...
gaeronf wrote:
All JU is trying to say is that the fly is in the location it is because it was re-positioned for photography. If someone is giving your (hypothetical) product a good word and provides a picture, would you want it inside a fishes mouth where it's not viewable? Just sayin...

that's nice, all i'm saying is that its hooked out the outside of the mouth. last i checked, ate by putting things in the mouth, rather than outisde.

its ok, there's a precedence for this sort of mistake...

at least you didn't hook your salmon in the blowhole.
gfen wrote:
gaeronf wrote:
All JU is trying to say is that the fly is in the location it is because it was re-positioned for photography. If someone is giving your (hypothetical) product a good word and provides a picture, would you want it inside a fishes mouth where it's not viewable? Just sayin...

that's nice, all i'm saying is that its hooked out the outside of the mouth. last i checked, ate by putting things in the mouth, rather than outisde.

at least you didn't hook your salmon in the blowhole.
Not trying to get on your case, just stating my interpretation. It's not hooked the fly is merely on display. Or, at least, that is what we can concur from the evidence given.

Sweet babby jebus, how many ways we gonna try to twist this? What we can concur from the evidence, Matlock, is the fish was flossed and [d]snagged[/d] hooked on the outside of the face.
gfen wrote:

Sweet babby jebus, how many ways we gonna try to twist this? What we can concur from the evidence, Matlock, is the fish was flossed and [d]snagged[/d] hooked on the outside of the face.

Although delivered somewhat sarcastically, I'll take the Matlock thing to heart; No need to mock someone's vocabulary just because you had to spend the time to google what it means. So let me attempt to end this here. I wasn't there. You weren't there. Johnny wasn't there. Just that dude was there. Who know what happened? MAybe it was legal, maybe it wasn't. Maybe he jacked it off some guys stringer and started taking pictures! No one knows (for sure) but him.
gaeronf wrote:
No one knows (for sure) but him.

Well, him and the fish with the hook stuck in it's cheek.
FrequentTyer wrote:
Well, him and the fish with the hook stuck in it's cheek.

And the 302 people who've looked at this thread and the photographic evidence.
It amazes me that you cant understand nor have you ever, hooked a fish in the corner of its mouth. But you can believe whatever you want.
gaeronf wrote:
All JU is trying to say is that the fly is in the location it is because it was re-positioned for photography. If someone is giving your (hypothetical) product a good word and provides a picture, would you want it inside a fishes mouth where it's not viewable? Just sayin...

Actually most would rather not see the viral advertising.

Frankly I am confused as to why Gary has not gone on a rip about blatant advertising. Taking photos and creating captions praising some companies ability to throw some chenille on a hook? Its a freaking pink san juan worm.
The ad, thats a different story. We are talking about flossing...we'll migrate to that later.

Somehow, rather than complain about the advertising, I figured I'd let the moderating staff do what htey will on that one.

Its more amusing to point out that the advertisement for the ultimate san juan worm involves a snagged fish. The delicious irony of the matter and the fantastic way in which this thread and grown on its own is as satisfying as any gnashing of the teeth.

Its almost more pleasing, like watching a baby bird take flight.

If putting your hand to your face makes you understand better then, so be it.
Is JEU flies even a fly company? I can't find anything on the web. I'm thinking it's just some fake made up company?
You are correct in fact that it is not a company. But merely a name. But I shouldnt have to say seeing gfen knows everything.
gaeronf wrote:
The ad, thats a different story. We are talking about flossing...we'll migrate to that later.

LOL. Actually we are supposed to be talking about salmon river flies. Beeber and I were talking about that on the drive home. Wonder if people fish salmon flies up there? Man that's a crazy amount of work!
JohnnyUtah wrote:
You are correct in fact that it is not a company. But merely a name. But I shouldnt have to say seeing gfen knows everything.

ummmm. from the blogspot in your signature line . . .

About Me

Johnny Utah
I am an avid fly fisherman and fly tyer. Hardcore nymph fisherman. Dont think i dont enjoy dry fly fishing. I Fish as much as possible. Well over 200 days on the water, easy. I am also a commercial tyer. If you are interested in my flies, or dubbing blends, then simply contact me @
Crazy amount, and Crazy expensive to lose! You would need to take a second mortgage on your home to fish those flies.....
Yes sir Jdaddy, that is my email and it is a name I use. Its not a company by definition.

I attempted to remove the photos do the issue with the word bubbles but it would seem i am unable to.