Salmon imprinting and homing: fascinating summary of the original research



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
The imprinting summary starts at paragraph 7. For those with a general scientific interest, you may enjoy reading the additional info on Arthur Hasler, as he was quite the figure in limnology, aquatic ecology, fisheries biology and so on.
I have not read this article yet, but homing is also apparently a key part of grayling fry development too.

There is yet another attempt to re-introduce them to Michigan. Previous attempts to stock fingerlings may have failed due to a lack of understanding of homing imprint.
Definitely an interesting read. I had always heard that catching a fish in a pool could sometimes chemically alert other fish in the pool that a predator was nearby; never knew any real science behind it, but apparently the Schreckstoff reaction is it. Learning something new today :)

Regarding the imprinting, it makes me wonder what happens to fish when we drastically alter the smell of a stream somehow...