Sage® Ultimate Performance Taper Fly Line?



Sep 25, 2014
Has anyone tried this stuff? It's $50 off at a major retailer and currently $30, and from what I research, it's made by Rio.

I have to replace 3 fly lines this year from a couple years wear & tear, and the thought of paying $90 per is a bit much....

They are good lines and $30 is a good price. They are sometimes advertised as being designed specifically for Sage rods and blah, blah, blah, but they are quality lines and they've worked wonderfully on my non-Sage rods.

I would not hesitate to pick one up at that price.

Are they 1/2 size heavy?
Keith, the only options were 4WT, 5WT, 6WT, and 8WT, from what I remember.
KeithS wrote:
Are they 1/2 size heavy?

I'd suggest that's an under estimation.
That refers to the actual weight of the line vs. the weight advertised by the manufacturer. Many lines are really the same physical weight as a AFTMA correct line one or two sizes up.This makes the stiff graphite rods sound like they're a lighter than they are. For instance, some graphite 4 weights actually respond to a 5 or 6 weight line better FOR SOME CASTERS. It's all personal preference, but A LOT of flyfishers agree on this. Many graphite rods can be slowed down with a line one size higher, changing the casting motion to something more relaxed.
Thanks, after I saw gfen's response, I then put 2+2 together as to what you were getting at.
Funny stuff.

In one thread we'll tell a guy that a rod will cast a variety of line weights, usually one full weight in either direction. In the next thread we'll fuss over lines being a 1/2 a weight heavier, or whatever.

This is a good deal on a good line and all this other stuff is of little consequence.
I am hoping to find some line deals at the show this weekend...
Rob, look for a stand from the Poconos. The name escapes me. They had deals on SA lines. I bought some Expert Distance comp line cheap.
Thanks. Hope to have a great weekend there
I just bought one of the performace tappers from Cablelas last week. I have not tried it but it looks like good quality. Got the 6wt but I need a 4wt also. At the time 4 wt wasn't available, now it is. To make maters worse the reel I just bought became $15 cheaper when I looked again today!
Looks like they raised the line 10 bucks also. I got the 4 and 5 weights and a konic reel. The must have some type of pricing algorithm based on remaining inventory.
DanL, That's what I bought too, a Konic and the Performance tapper. Konic went down in price this week and the Sage line went up... so I guess it all evens out!
I just bought the Konic reel too, once i saw the price drop, and I'm having it shipped to the store.

Now if i can find Rio Gold on sale somewhere i'll pick up some line.

They had Rio Gold on sale last year for 40 bucks I think. That sale didn't happen this year though. I figured it would have since they started rolling out that new stuff...
Funny stuff.

In one thread we'll tell a guy that a rod will cast a variety of line weights, usually one full weight in either direction. In the next thread we'll fuss over lines being a 1/2 a weight heavier, or whatever.

Hehe, it's just marketing. Works like this. You choose your rod based on test casting at the shop. Distance is king. If your testing a rod you're bombing casts out there, not how it feels at 20 ft. And you're gonna buy the one that feels best when you're really opening up.

But lines, you're not testing like that. You have a line on there, and think it's fine. Someday it wears out and you have to replace it. If you think the replacement feels better, you go and rave about it on a message board and spread the word on what an improvement this new line is.

Now, back to rods. Take a bunch of 5 wt rods out to the lawn with a reel lined with 5 wt line. Have one 6 wt in the bunch (which will be underlined). When you're bombing casts at the top of your range, guess which one is gonna feel best?

"But I don't want a 6 wt, I want a 5 wt!"

Fine. A smart rod manufacturer says "hey, if we just make a 6 wt, and label it a 5 wt, it'll sell better! We'll call it fast action." And that's just what they do, and at the fly shop, this rod wins the lawn test and we all hand over the bills.

But now you're on the stream, and this rod, in all actuality a 6 wt, is labeled a 5 wt and you have it underlined with 5 wt line. It may be great when distance casting, but it's sub-par in close where you actually do your fishing. Some old timer tells you to put a 6 wt line on there.

"I can't do that, that's overlining, and it feels wrong. I think I'll trust the manufacturer."

So a brilliant line manufacturer takes a 6 wt line and labels it a 5 wt! Throws on some marketing gold like "designed specifically for modern fast action rods", which, translated from marketing to English, means "weight is under-rated to match today's under-rated rods".

You go to a stream, and what do you know? This line feels better on this rod. Must be something to this "designed to match modern fast action rods" thing! Ain't technology great?

Yesterday's 6 wt has become today's 5 wt.
I think it has more to do with a bunch of people sitting around at their computers fussing about trivial things because they can't/don't fish nearly as much as they would like.
