Sage One



Apr 4, 2011
Has anyone tried out the Sage One yet? I was casting one at the TCO shop and it feels great in my opinion and can cast very accurately. I am just wondering what everyone likes or dislikes about this rod. I know everyone is different but just looking at the pros and cons before I beg the wife to let me buy another rod.
Pro-lightweight. Con- high price.
I've used it in a 9wt only and in windy conditions at the beach, and found it difficult to get used to. It is by leaps and bounds the fastest rod I've ever cast. That said, I'm eager to spend more time with it, because when I was able to get my timing right, it absolutely launches line.

I'm hoping to try out a 5 weight sometime soon, I'd be interested in seeing how it handles vs. the 9 weight.
I was casting the 5wt. It does launch line with ease.
It all depends on what you want it for. If you are looking to buy a big river rod that can cast distance and cut through wind, this would definitely be a good choice. If you are looking for an "all purpose 5wt rod," I think the tip is simply too stiff for close, delicate type work and you would be disappointed. Personally I'd chose the Z-Axis over the ONE anyday.

If you are interested in high end fast action rods, try the Hardy Zenith, Winston BiiiX and Loomis MRX.
Last year I bought a Sage VXP 10, 5 wt for big water. The thing hauls line. My wife got me a Sage One 905 for Christmas this year and that thing really hauls line. I took off the Windcutter2 line and added some orvis wonder-line. I am a better distance caster then a accuracy caster but that being said I can cast to the backing consistently with a double haul or 2. I was playing in my yard with about 25-30 feet of line, casting at leaves. I think its a pretty all around accurate and short/long rod. I do agree that it takes some getting use to. I also was casting a TCX last year in a 905 and that is still faster then the ONE. I don't think it has the ONE'S short game but one could adjust. All in all I love my ONE! I also didn't pay for it! 750 is a lot for the ONE or any other fly rod. I got a 904 Orvis Access last year too and I use that on my home water the fishing creek. I can toss a #6 bugger if I have to and the tip flex casts perfectly for 1/2 the price.
I have been obsessed with high end fly rods for the last several months... I told myself I would never allow it to happen but it did.

I bought a Sage One 905-4 and ended up trading it back for a Hardy Zenith 904-4. I wanted a rod to use for my yearly Montana Trip AND my PA smaller stream stuff but I felt like the 5wt One was too stiff for my PA usage.

I've fished the Zenith 904-4 a few times and love it so I bought a second Zenith in 905-5 thinking that would "all I need" for both PA and Montana. Now I slightly regret buying the 4 and 5 because the 2 rods are so similar and am thinking I should have gone 4 and 6. Or Zenith 4 and Sage One 5. or .....

If $$$ was not a factor I'd get a Sage One 906-4 for my big fly windy day rod and then really have "too many" rods. I just simply do not see myself using the 6 wt much for what I do in PA. I really may wish I had it this summer when the wind is kicking and I am throwing a big foam hopper on the Bighorn.

Perhaps I need to become a better caster and stop thinking about how many $700 fly rods I "need". Or I need a second job!!

I own a 590-4 and fished with a 690-4. I fished both from a drift boat and wade fishing on rivers here in SW Montana. In my opinion, its the best rod Sage ever made. The first thing that stands out is the power; it effortlessly casts 40+ yards. The next thing that stands out is the ability to throw long distances with technical finishes. Throwing a 30+ yard double haul with a curve finish... effortlessly... immediately had me giggling. The tip is soft enough to throw delicate mends while high sticking and it roll casts farther than my old Sage, Winston, and Scott rods. I'm confused about what to do with my old premium rods because I'm afraid they are going to just collect dust from here on out. Growing up in Pennsylvania, I know how brushy the streams can be... the Sage One might not be the best rod if your casts are under 20 feet.

Montana Angler Guide

If the wind doesn't calm down, those fast "Western" rods could start looking very tempting to Pennsylvanians. ;)
I just purchased a 496-4 with the 4250 real. Great rod. I have 4wt line loaded in the real now, but I have an extra spool with 5wt line. The rod is absolutely awesome. Great looks, casts great, and is extremely powerful. I love my new 4.5wt rod. This is a great rod for fishing the West Canada Creek in upstate, ny as well as a stream like Penns or even Pine Creek where long casts are necessary.
After reading some reviews, I went with the Z-Axis instead of the One. Many of the streams I fish are smaller and the One might be a bit much, plus I also saved a few hundred dollars.
Where did you find a Z-axis? I'd buy a new 9ft 6wt in a heartbeat.
Pharmy I don't know where SHW got his (or hers) but ebay can be a wonderful place.

Sage Z 9' 6wt
I did get mine on eBay. You can still find some new and used on there. I googled the z-axis and found some shops that had a few available also.