Sage 2000 series



Jul 1, 2010
You guys think the sage 2000 series would be a good fit for an 11' 3wt streamflex? It weighs in at 5.2 ounces which I believe would be a good balance. I'm mostly looking for any reviews from people who have or currently own this real. Thanks
I used a 2250 for about three hours. It was a buddy's reel and I was "test driving" the fly rod.

I liked the reel. The few fish I caught I stripped in, so I didn't get into the reel (no drag adjustments). It picks up line fast, I can say that.

I would recommend it in its price category.
kelso2340 wrote:
I'm mostly looking for any reviews from people who have or currently own this real. Thanks

Here's a blathery review published a couple of weeks ago:

I've got a 2210 on my musky rod. Havent really put it to a long run situation from a fish but its smooth, looks good, seems durable and the price is tough to beat. IMO, one of the best reels for the money on the market.
I have a 2080 on my smallmouth setup. Works great, looks good and the price was right. Nice reel IMO.