SA Mastery Textured fly line?



Well-known member
Sep 21, 2006
Found a good deal on line for what's called "Scientific Anglers Mastery Textured" fly line.
This is NOT the newer "Amplitude MPX", which is also a textured line I believe.
Guessing it's an earlier line that may have been discontinued

It claims to have a different kind of texture, resembling golf ball indentations.
Rather than the sharkskin like texture most others seem to have.
Supposed to be quieter going thru the guides, but still cast great.

I'm thinking about trying it.
Has anyones else used it?
dryflyguy wrote:
Found a good deal on line for what's called "Scientific Anglers Mastery Textured" fly line.
This is NOT the newer "Amplitude MPX", which is also a textured line I believe.
Guessing it's an earlier line that may have been discontinued

It claims to have a different kind of texture, resembling golf ball indentations.
Rather than the sharkskin like texture most others seem to have.
Supposed to be quieter going thru the guides, but still cast great.

I'm thinking about trying it.
Has anyones else used it?

I use the Orvis version of the textured line. I believe it's the same or similar line as the SA since since Orvis owns Scientific Anglers and they make all the lines for both labels.

It's great! Casts well, gives you a little extra distance, floats well, is supple and doesn't seem to have to be cleaned as often. Also it is not rough on your hands at all, a complaint often heard about the older "Sharkskin" lines. The only downside, if you mind, it is the slight "zipping" sound when it goes through the guides. I have no problem with that at all. I recommend it.
I have some. It's good. Mpx is a heavy weight forward taper where the "trout taper" should be the longest head they offer besides the expert. distance. Line that's a 1/2 wtf heavy for shooting or bulky flies versus tapered front, long belly for keeping lots of line in the air. Think you'll like it a lot
Its a very good line. I had mastery textured gpx a few years ago.

I dont like gpx/mpx tapers for dries but a lot of people do. If the line you are talking about is the trout taper it's a really nice line for dries.

The texture isn't as aggressive as sharkskin or amplitude.

My favorite fly line is amplitude dt. I just tossed one out after two seasons because I beat the hell out of it. It's not really the lines fault, I was very tough on it.
This line is the trout taper.

I already have the Orvis Hydros HD, and the newer Pro textured lines.
And really like how they perform.

However, they both have some cracking on the lower few feet - the Pro after only 2 seasons of use
A new one of those sells for $130 now

I can get the Mastery for $50 from Sierra
Pretty significant savings. And after reading the positive posts, I'm gonna try it.

Thanks for the input
I'm sure you've already pulled the trigger on that SA Mastery Textured Trout line (or not perhaps) but if you're still on the fence I'll throw in my 2 cents and say that that line is by far the best line I have ever cast. I have tried most of the more recent textured and untextured SA offerings including the new iterations (Wavelength & Amplitude) plus Rio (HATED these), Airflo, Cortland and several others and that original Mastery Textured series is still the best I have ever cast. Tight lines ????
scottywest6 wrote:
I'm sure you've already pulled the trigger on that SA Mastery Textured Trout line (or not perhaps) but if you're still on the fence I'll throw in my 2 cents and say that that line is by far the best line I have ever cast. I have tried most of the more recent textured and untextured SA offerings including the new iterations (Wavelength & Amplitude) plus Rio (HATED these), Airflo, Cortland and several others and that original Mastery Textured series is still the best I have ever cast. Tight lines ????

Yes I did buy this shortly after I started the thread.

But haven't put it on yet.
I'm done fishing for this year, and won't be trying it until spring now.

Glad to hear more good feedback.
How long have you been using it?
I am curious about it's durability
Like all SA lines with that incredible AST coating not only is it bombproof as all get out but there is absolutely NO need to ever use any of those silicone (or other) line dressings to keep it floating or shooting and in fact because of that AST coating SA has always told customers to not use that stuff and all you ever need to do is periodically (depending on how often you fish) clean it with warm soapy water (I always use Dawn for it's degreasing power) and you're good to go. I've had my 3 weight on for over 4 years and it still casts as good as the day I bought it and it makes my little 7'6" Fenwick HMG shoot line like a much faster rod than it's medium-fast action would suggest plus it it also lays down and picks up delicately as hell. I promise you will NEVER find a better line for durability and more importantly it's uncanny ability to shoot line and float like a cork for the next (I think) ten years. I wanted to thank you as well for bringing that up about Sierra Trading Post because I'm always looking for more of that line for my other rods. Tight Lines partner :)
P.S. You think I should contact Scientific Anglers about a sales job lololol ;)
Maybe I should get another one.
We can never have too many good fly lines, right?
I actually have two fly lines that are on their last legs.
So I'm gonna take everyones word on this, and order another one