Rubber sole wading boots

Just realized I didn't supply the link
I read that as "rubber she troll", and had no idea what you were posting.

Thanks for the link, Mo. I might be giving that a try on my Chotas.
I would think new boots are going to be cheaper. Unless I missed something, to get a one square foot sheet of quarter-inch thick rubber (not nearly thick enough it seems), it would cost $35.

.250" X 12.00" X 12.00" Sheet $34.56
I don't think the "skin" material on aquastealths is more than 1/8" thick...but I don't own them s I don't really know.
Did you mean 1.8 inches or one-eighth of an inch?
Jack - This might be what you're looking for. Maybe auto tire carbide studs could be punched through from the inside before you glue them on.

Probably cheaper to just get a new pair of boots...


  • aquastealth.jpg
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That's what I would need, but they appear to be sold out.
They have this one in stock. I have no clue what the difference is.

C4.....hmmmm. Could be a blast! :cool: