
Active member
Jan 2, 2007
When was this implemented?

I swear, I hit refresh and it showed up out of nowhere. Have I been spacing out for some time now?
Same thing here -- clicked out of the forum area and came back, and there it was.

I think dkile was logged in so maybe it had something to do with that????????
By the way, what does it do, stand for , or mean.

I hope we don't need our full real name now.

I didn't want to click it and get a virus or something -- possibly worse, get reported (did we ever figure this thing out).
Annnnnnd it's gone.

Anyway, RSS is a nifty little technology. I still have bruises from the time you tested the report feature on me. The black SUVs pulled up outside, and they beat me up pretty bad.
It's been there for a while. I have the PAFF RSS feed right to my igoogle page. The only bummer is that I don't get posts from the OT forum because you have to be signed in. Other than that it's handy. A word of warning, it's hard to open firefox at work when I know I'm gonna have a topic list from here on the front page. Be careful where you put it. :lol:

I'll turn it back on for a while so you can grab the urls, but I really don't know how to support it or do any more with it than the url.

I may try it myself.


Firefox has detected RSS for this site for over a year. The feed that I always had was just an overall forum feed, merging all subforums. I think the board software already supports it, but I could be wrong.

I like the idea of having a feed for each forum.