Round Glo-Bugs?

goodfortune wrote:
Hey Guys:

Are there any tricks that you all use to get your glo-bugs nice and round? As my first steelhead yesterday proved, a less than perfectly tied glo-bug will catch fish :-D.

However, I'd like to be able to tie glo-bugs with a nicer, more rounded shape, without the jagged edges that mine currently have. Let me know; I look forward to everyone's responses

Here is a video on tying glo bugs from Charlie Craven. It takes him < 30 seconds / fly and they come out round every time!
Here this is the fastest and easiest tool I have every used for eggs. You can purchase it from TCO Fly Shop.

A straw would probably collapse and not work all that well. The plastic tube in the pack is hard plastic which has a taper on the end. If you watch the video you will need the taper so you can figure eight the thread around the tube and material. The hard plastic tube also contains the thread so when you pull material forward it keeps the material tight which really creates the nice round egg pattern. There really is some science to it...

Don't get hung up on making the perfect egg pattern. As you know the perfectly round egg isn't required to catch fish. I've seen folks catching steelhead on patterns that look like nothing more than a chunk of yarn plopped on a hook.
I like to keep my glow ball on the top of the hook to keep the gape of the hook clear. This is especially important in below freezing conditions as the fly will actually freeze up and the frozen water will make hook up impossible. We are talking water temps @33*/ slushy and air temp in the low 20's* or lower.