rough legged hawk



Active member
Sep 13, 2006
The rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus), also called the rough-legged hawk is a medium-large bird of prey. It is found in Arctic and Subarctic regions of North America and Eurasia during the breeding season and migrates south for the winter.[2] It was traditionally also known as the rough-legged falcon. The rough-legged hawk breeds in tundra and taiga habitats of North America and Eurasia between the latitudes of 61 and 76° N. Rough-legged hawks occurring in North America migrate to the central United States for the winter.

rare to see them here.. this one has been here for 2 weeks or better. feeding on a opossum that tried to get into coop. they are huge for a hawk, also the bald eagle was here dining !


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So you're saying it ate your dinner.:) 2 winters ago we had one wintering here in Saucon Valley in the months of Nov. to early March. Last seen toward the end of March. They typically don't always migrate this far south. I've seen none near home the last 2 years. They are fairly common to the farms of Lancaster County nearly every year. But the reports of them have been very low the last 2 years.
None were seen at Hawk Mt. this year. I walked the field where I saw the rough-legged hawk near the house and there were bitterly thousands of burrows where rodents were living in the field, which is reverting from farmland to scrub.
The wingspan is longer than a red-tail, but they appear short in height.
Thats very cool. It must be nice to see him or her?

That's very cool. One time I saw a bald eagle eating a snow goose at middle creek wildlife center. I'll never forget that.
Had a bald eagle on a fox last year out back too.
The only time I saw a bald eagle was at a fishing show, probably Somerset, a long time ago. Alaska Fish & Game had a booth. It was legal for them to have it b/c the bird had a broken wing.

What amazed me the most was the size of it's beak and claws.
Had a bald eagle swoop up the Delaware on a float 2 years ago with K2 it was awesome, landed in a tree about 50 yards from me. Saw a juvenile bald eagle and a parent on the boat on Lake Arthur.
Highpoint Lake, Somerset County, I was slowly motoring down toward the dam in the quiet of daybreak and he/she (bald eagle) spooked from a perch and glided away from us. I have seen plenty of Osprey on the Yough, and saw one that grabbed a small trout off the Yellow Breaches just a few dozen yards upstream of me.
Here's a link to the Hanover (Codorus State Park) Eagle cam.

There are a fair number eagles and peregrines along the river. For the last several years peregrines had a nest under the old bridge (462). There would always be one sitting on one of the lamp posts as I headed to work.

My wife took this photo on the stream below the house. As soon as a stream is stocked they show up


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JackM wrote:
Highpoint Lake, Somerset County, I was slowly motoring down toward the dam in the quiet of daybreak and he/she (bald eagle) spooked from a perch and glided away from us.

That happened to me in my "back yard" once. I had been towards the back of the property cutting wood. While bringing a load back on the UTV (I was driving through the field) one came out of a big maple tree and flew across right in front of me. That was cool.
2 years ago, three of us were fishing the Delayed Harvest section of Laurel Hill (Somerset County) in March. Before we set out, an old timer pulled up and asked if we saw a bald eagle flying around. We told him no, and he said that his buddies saw one in the last hour. He had a beer between his legs (in the car mind you) and when he pulled away, we laughed it off as a drunken unicorn show (most likely a buzzard or hawk). About 2 minutes after he pulled away, an eagle flew over our heads. We chugged a beer in honor of a unbeknownst bet with that gentlemen. Don't worry, it was NOT in the State Park, rather the iron bridge area.