rod building/repair project no 1 of 3



Aug 20, 2012
so i've got this st croix avid 15' spey 10/11wt, it's a beast of a rod, been trying to trade it for a different rod but no luck.

so alst night i realized that the top 2 sections are the equivalent of a 12wt @10' long so i decided it was time for a muskie/salmon rod.

so far i've whacked the handle off, and a bit of the upper grip, but left enough to keep the option of using it as a short switch rod.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

here it is fit right over the butt of the middle section. don't even have to shim.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

and the block of black walnut that will give me my butt cap, and also going to have a section at the top of the grip to cover up the cut, and rod overlay.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

so yeah next stop the getting the rest of it together, glued and in place, then over to my buddies lathe to shape the new grip pieces.

thursday i should get my fiber glass goodies for that build, and i'm also going to finally get around to rebuilding my tenants surf caster i've been putting off for a good half a year or so.
Wohoo!!! my glass blank arived to day, as i told dcg in another thread, it is a 7wt after all or for those who know the css system 7.28/65. but im fine with it the inital shake/wiggle test makes me super happy, plus i already have a 7wt rio gold so dont need to buy a line for it!

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

there it is never been so happy to hold a long black rod!
well it's been a up and down ride with this batch of projects. both the glass blank and the st croix grips where i had the black walnut the epoxy let loose while taking the initial shaping with the cutting tool on the lathe(and boy do i really want a freakin metal lathe!!!).

the glass chucked up and ready to go....

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

forgot i had a spool of green silk, was going to do a really dark blue thread but i like the green on black better. and a new old stock stripping guide i found at the local porn and bait shop.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

the st croix with the cotton wood bark grip tip. left it long for switch capabilities and i'm pretty glad i did cause my shoulder was not happy with me last night after throwing that thing around for a few hours.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

and a little guy i tied up yesterday as well, should be interesting to see what it does in the water, doesn't really have a tail. hoping it's just gonna swim super wacky.

Untitled by dj.berg, on Flickr

next step build a multi rod drying rack...