Rock Throwers?

I got out of work a few minutes early today and decided to stop at Glen Onoko to take a few casts. When i arrived people were there tossing stones. Ok you beat me there and we have to share. No problem. They leave and I start fishing. More people arrive after I start fishing and they also need to throw stones. At this point I got rather agitated. I wasn't sure if I should ask them nicely to stop or move further away, be as ignorant as I felt they were being, or give up. I'm curious what others would do in a similar situation.

FWIW, I don't usually fish in places where I see anyone else. Maybe an occasional hiker or dog walker who exchanges a pleasant greeting and keeps going.
Should have thrown some flies at them.😆
Once again the Bible gives us the answer “He who is without sin cast the first stone,”
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borderline harassment. I know there are laws against harassing hunters.
PA Title 30

§ 909. Interference with lawful fishing and boating prohibited.

(a) General rule.--
Except as otherwise provided in this title, it is unlawful for a person at the location where lawful fishing or boating is taking place to intentionally obstruct or physically interfere with the lawful fishing or boating.

(b) Activities that violate section.--A person violates this section if that person intentionally or knowingly commits any of the following:

(1) Disturbs fish in their habitat for the purpose of disrupting the lawful taking of fish where another person is engaged in the process of lawful fishing.

(2) Blocks or impedes another person who is engaged in the process of lawful fishing or boating.

(3) Uses natural or artificial visual, aural, olfactory or physical stimuli to affect fish behavior in order to hinder or prevent the lawful taking of fish.

(4) Creates or erects barriers with the intent to deny ingress or egress to areas where the lawful fishing or boating is permitted.

(5) Places obstructions or objects in the waters of this Commonwealth for the purpose of hindering lawful fishing or boating.

(6) Fails to obey the order of any officer authorized to enforce this title to cease and desist from conduct in violation of this section.
Yeah, that's the carbon county rock throwers club. They try various locations and report back on their Facebook page. They must have posted that the rock throwing was exceptional at that spot and that's why another group showed up. Of course, this is BS that I just made up but it never ceases to amaze me the level of ignorance when it comes to the general public. I've experienced the rock throwing way too many times.

I don't know about rock throwing waking up a pool but I have experienced anglers on foot, kayaks and rafts have little to no impact on rising trout.

I've been anchored on rising fish on the Lehigh and the Yough when you hear the voices and see the flotilla coming. At both locations, we've held our spot and been plowed into by rafts or kayaks. Within 3 minutes of the flotilla going through, the fish were back up and rising again in spite of all the splashing, water cannons and paddle slapping.

It just ruins the whole experience and I try to avoid it as much as possible because I'm out there to relax and have fun.
Sun Tsu the Art of War.

"Its easier to move one's self that to move your enemy"

Id just move.

20 years ago I would have done something much different. Different time, different me.
...I've been anchored on rising fish on the Lehigh and the Yough when you hear the voices and see the flotilla coming. At both locations, we've held our spot and been plowed into by rafts or kayaks. Within 3 minutes of the flotilla going through, the fish were back up and rising again in spite of all the splashing, water cannons and paddle slapping...

Not that I advocate or excuse encourage bad manners but one day while fishing behind a camp along Cross Fork the cabin owner's kids went tubing in the pool I was fishing.

That pretty much shut things down and I was getting ready to storm off when the father of the kids came out of the cabin and explained to the kids that it wasn't cool to do what they were doing when someone was fishing there first.

The kids vacated the pool and in about a minute, the fish started rising again...

(Yes, I made sure to thank dad profusely) ;)

I don't expect that the fishing was as good as it would have been before the kiddie escapades, however I've had similar experiences when 20 or 30 Canada Geese or ducks and ducklings stormed through a pool on other creeks.

Sadly I didn't experience the same quick bounce back on Cross Fork in other years when a-holes in ATV's blasted through the creek when I was fishing...
Last summer, on several occasions, a woman can down the steps to the Tully below Blue Marsh dam and let her several dogs go in for a group swim.
When asked not to do so, she just replied something along the lines of "everyone has a right to be here".
Just glad nobody decided to see what size tippet it takes to land a Labrador retriever!
Last summer, on several occasions, a woman can down the steps to the Tully below Blue Marsh dam and let her several dogs go in for a group swim.
When asked not to do so, she just replied something along the lines of "everyone has a right to be here".
Just glad nobody decided to see what size tippet it takes to land a Labrador retriever!

^ yep. Between the dam and the water plant, you're almost guaranteed to have people training their dogs with waterfowl dummies or throwing sticks for their dogs to swim out and retrieve.

One time it got to me as they were throwing the stick 10 ft away from me. I said, "You have miles of this effing river and you chose to throw the stick right next to me for an hour. What's wrong with you?"
I didn't blame the dogs. I even petted one of them but it's pretty poor owner behavior
I don't know if any of you can top this...

About 10 years ago I was fishing from a float tube in Lyman Run Lake over Memorial Day Weekend. I was working the shoreline from about 30 - 40 feet back when a total arse-hole with 15+ foot long RC controlled replica of the Battleship New Jersey stated running his boat, complete with sound effects along the shoreline and right in front of where I was casting!!

I was fishing with a bait casting reel and 17 pound test fluorocarbon and once he saw that I was trying to snag his "boat" he sent it off in a different direction...

...seriously, this really happened...
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I don't know if any of you can top this...

About 10 years ago I was fishing from a float tube in Lyman Run Lake over Memorial Day Weekend. I was working the shoreline from about 30 -40 feet back when a total arse-hole with 15+ foot long RC controlled replica of the Battleship New Jersey stated running his boat, complete with sound effects along the shoreline and right in front of where I was casting!!

I was fishing with a bait casting reel and 17 pound test fluorocarbon and once he saw that I was trying to snag his "boat" he sent it off in a different direction...

...seriously, this really happened...
Now that's an original, right down to the sound effects! :LOL:
^ yep. Between the dam and the water plant, you're almost guaranteed to have people training their dogs with waterfowl dummies or throwing sticks for their dogs to swim out and retrieve.

One time it got to me as they were throwing the stick 10 ft away from me. I said, "You have miles of this effing river and you chose to throw the stick right next to me for an hour. What's wrong with you?"
I didn't blame the dogs. I even petted one of them but it's pretty poor owner behavior
I doubt you remember me, but you helped me at a newbie jam years ago. If all I had to go on was your posts here, I'd think you were a completely different person.
About 10 years ago I was fishing from a float tube in Lyman Run Lake over Memorial Day Weekend. I was working the shoreline from about 30 - 40 feet back when a total arse-hole with 15+ foot long RC controlled replica of the Battleship New Jersey stated running his boat, complete with sound effects along the shoreline and right in front of where I was casting!!

I was fishing with a bait casting reel and 17 pound test fluorocarbon and once he saw that I was trying to snag his "boat" he sent it off in a different direction...

...seriously, this really happened...
Weird stuff happens at Lyman Lake. A few weeks ago ,I saw a DCNR ranger jumping up and down to check ice thickness. I tapped it with a spud bar to see if it was safe to fish and saw the ice was around 2". I got off the ice and advised her to do the same. I love that area but weird stuff seems to happen there
Last summer, on several occasions, a woman can down the steps to the Tully below Blue Marsh dam and let her several dogs go in for a group swim.
When asked not to do so, she just replied something along the lines of "everyone has a right to be here".
Just glad nobody decided to see what size tippet it takes to land a Labrador retriever!
I had this happen to me last summer during a trico hatch. I hear this commotion and 4-5 huge hound dogs come running down the bank and into the water where I and 4-5 other guys were fishing. It was like a scene straight out of Christmas Story with the Bumpus dogs running amok. The lady lets them romp through the water for 5 minutes and then calls them to come. I was dumbfounded.
Many years ago a friend and I drove miles of dirt roads to get to the Snake River in Hells Canyon, to try the fishing there. This was a remote area and I didn't even expect to see other people there.

But there was a group of people throwing beer cans into the river then blasting them with big bore handguns.

There was no road paralleling the river, just one road that came into that spot. And in canyon country you can't even walk very far up or downstream.
I doubt you remember me, but you helped me at a newbie jam years ago. If all I had to go on was your posts here, I'd think you were a completely different person.

Was it the newby one in Emmaus?

I don't know whether I should be offended, embarrassed or flattered 😂. Yeah, I'll take the unpopular position on some topics or I might say something to stir the pot a little. Some of what I
say is just razzing but much of it is honest.... Not polished but honest. I've often described myself as.... the nicest a - hole you'll ever meet. I'd pass out flies to kids, give gear away when I can't afford to or spend half my day helping you learn to tuck a cast under an overhanging branch to get the fish you've been after for a week. I'd also net your fish and then tell you that your hat is silly looking 😁. I'm my own guy and if 30% of people actually like me, that's pretty good. Hell, it's enough to keep you in the majors! 😁
Was it the newby one in Emmaus?

I don't know whether I should be offended, embarrassed or flattered 😂. Yeah, I'll take the unpopular position on some topics or I might say something to stir the pot a little. Some of what I
say is just razzing but much of it is honest.... Not polished but honest. I've often described myself as.... the nicest a - hole you'll ever meet. I'd pass out flies to kids, give gear away when I can't afford to or spend half my day helping you learn to tuck a cast under an overhanging branch to get the fish you've been after for a week. I'd also net your fish and then tell you that your hat is silly looking 😁. I'm my own guy and if 30% of people actually like me, that's pretty good. Hell, it's enough to keep you in the majors! 😁
I'd call it Allentown but it's not worth arguing. We were right below the kiddie pool. I tangled my leader into a bird's nest and felt helpless and horrible watching you untangle it while insisting I could do it myself. Hah. Then you gave me a bunch of flies. I've always appreciated what you did that day.

Later on this forum you also introduced me to Doug Stanhope. That was even better than spending time to help me!
LoL. A little Stanhope is good for the soul.

You're still fishing so I didn't scar you too badly 😁
It just ruins the whole experience and I try to avoid it as much as possible because I'm out there to relax and have fun.
I got out of work a few minutes early today and decided to stop at Glen Onoko to take a few casts. When i arrived people were there tossing stones. Ok you beat me there and we have to share. No problem. They leave and I start fishing. More people arrive after I start fishing and they also need to throw stones. At this point I got rather agitated. I wasn't sure if I should ask them nicely to stop or move further away, be as ignorant as I felt they were being, or give up. I'm curious what others would do in a similar situation.

FWIW, I don't usually fish in places where I see anyone else. Maybe an occasional hiker or dog walker who exchanges a pleasant greeting and keeps going.
when I worked for USFW they called it "multiple use resource"
It's just as frustrating as "tubers" and kayakers" once the waters warm
and they float by every hour or so. I don't know if we have another choice other than fish away from easy access.
LoL. A little Stanhope is good for the soul.

You're still fishing so I didn't scar you too badly 😁
This rock throwing thing happened Saturday evening. Sunday I was back at work. There was a guy there with his girlfriend. I want to say he was from Brooklyn but I'm not 100% positive. Anyway, he's got his girlfriend by the shoulders and he's shaking her. About 20 other people there were about to do something quite unpleasant to him in response. As we're between him and the mob trying to prevent the coroner from needing to give his body a ride, he's berating us in a rather unsavory fashion. He kept repeating a phrase I wouldn't dare post here. As cleaned up as possible, it was a 3 word combination. The first word is a synonym for coward. Think feline. The second was backside only more intense. And the final word was a racist insult inner city people like to say. He was asking us what would happen if he produced a pistol and started shooting.
So yeah that was my Sunday. That was also close to what i dealt with the prior Monday. Something similar occurred the week before. Pretty much something like that goes on at least once a week if not more for the 6 years I've been there.

My point is compared to that, you're kinda like Mr Rodgers. I'm so scarred my soul is looks like hamburger.