


Aug 2, 2008
Are any of you other susqy anglers following the riverwatch blog?


Good coverage of the debate over the new catch and release regulations.
Thanks for the link.
While I'm not a huge fan of bass tournaments and support the new C&R regulations for the river... I found this guy's blog sanctimonius - lots of the typical complaining about how a fish was photographed, calling folks he disagrees with "d-bags" and then including an off topic rant about a fella who displayed a couple steelhead on a stringer.
His heart is undoubtedly in the right place but I don't think I'll pay close attention to his blog in the future.
It is rough around the edges but it gets the point across. If you read the about us statement it claims to be four different guys who write on it.
The post about the tournament crowd getting what they ask for is poignant. What are they going to do if the PFBC gives them an exception and the smallmouth population doesn't improve?

Of course, I guess they could end tournaments and the river could continue to decline. I guess we'll have to blame the guides then? :)
Catch and release can do little to improve populations but it does do next to nothing in the way of diminishing them. Harvest on the other hand is a subtractive practice that can and often does have an impact.

So if the C&R regs result in no positive impact on populations then thye Tourney guys can say....wait for it. Don't blame us we put the fish back!

The guides can say the same thing.

The return of the river to a decade ago will take another five years of ideal year classes.

The problems with the river have nothing to do with the sportfishing. However the sportfishermen can help by not negatively contributing to the problem by practicing C&R.

Pitting this on the guides and tournaments is a distraction that I am sure the agencies enjoy.
Fishidiot wrote:
Thanks for the link.
While I'm not a huge fan of bass tournaments and support the new C&R regulations for the river... I found this guy's blog sanctimonius - lots of the typical complaining about how a fish was photographed, calling folks he disagrees with "d-bags" and then including an off topic rant about a fella who displayed a couple steelhead on a stringer.
His heart is undoubtedly in the right place but I don't think I'll pay close attention to his blog in the future.

My exact thoughts.

you make a good point that i never though of before. I'm sure the DEP is loving the turmoil and the conflict between the guides and tournament clubs. They are sliding under the radar through the whole event..
CPR wrote:

you make a good point that i never though of before. I'm sure the DEP is loving the turmoil and the conflict between the guides and tournament clubs. They are sliding under the radar through the whole event..

The DEP doesn't care they are trying to keep there jobs due to federal cut backs