That's a very high survival rate. Did you use larger, older tree stock? And how did you protect the trees (tubes, wire enclosures, etc.)?
In my area, Centre & Clinton, the survival rate is much lower. I don't have statistics, but a rough guess is 50%. Some places it's only about 30%, and some places even lower.
All these places are floodplains with deep soils, so that's not an issue. The wettest sites have the lowest survival. That is probably due to voles, which are common in damp, grassy areas. And to planting species that people like, but that are not really suited to wet sites.
These plantings are with small stock, either bare root seedlings or small containerized seedlings.
On Spring Creek, upstream from the McCoy Access parking lot, it was planted with larger stock, which is more expensive, but the survival was very good. That site is legacy sediment deposited behind the former McCoy Dam.