Ridley State Park closed Dec12 Thurs



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Twice a year, Ridley Park and therefore that section of Ridley Creek is closed so that the shotgun hunting to cull the deer herd can take place. Last Thursday was the first hunt day, and next Thursday is the last.

I just didn't want the guys from Jersey or afar to make the drive in vain.
What happens to the venison ?

The Ridley hunt is open to the public thru an application system. You apply and if picked your able to hunt with in the park with shotgun. All the venison is yours to keep if you shoot one.
yum. venison stew.
Here is one dumb guy that did not look at the website before I went. Lucky it was not to bad of a ride and I had business down that way. Good to know about this Thursday.
Hunted there years ago
IMO:non assisted suicide
AFISHN wrote:
Hunted there years ago
IMO:non assisted suicide
Couldn't agree more! I've been hunting that Park for 10 years with a bow, and you could't pay me to get involved with that shotgun "hunt".
Ever heard of anyone getting shot?
No, and I don't want to be the first. You get guys in there that only hit the woods for that one day each year. That's not the kind of company I like to keep.
Agreed, probably the same guys that shoot that weapon once a year, if a deer walks in front of them. But, on the bright side there have not been any incidents. May that have a long stand...