
I am retiring after 42 years as a Medical Laboratory Scientist, the last 22 years as the Administrative Director. My time fishing will dramatically increase. I will have the opportunity to explore many new streams.
Congratulations on your retirement - well deserved and certainly earned.
I retired from health care 3 yr ago and fished quite a bit the past few years, but lately I have been missing the privilege and honor of caring for sick individuals and fishing has sort of become passe. I am exploring options to return to caring for folks - but without dealing with hospital administrators.
I wish you well.
I just don't think the "f" suggestion has a place in someone's retirement thread. IMO, it was in poor taste.

Can you show us on the doll where the post hurt you?
Congratulations. I know my fishing has increased greatly after I retired earlier this year.
Congrats, and enjoy all that extra time on the water. After retiring last year, it’s so nice to fish “leisurely” instead of thinking, “okay I only have 3 hours to fish today, so they better be biting.”
Congrats! I am thinking the same thing. I just need my wife to go back to full-time so she can get us bebefits and so I can fish when she's not around to complain about me fishing. Wish me luck!
Congratulations! You won't regret spending more time fishing, less time working. I have been so busy since retiring a few years back that I don't know how I ever had time to work before.
I have been so busy since retiring a few years back that I don't know how I ever had time to work before.
This is why I work. I lack the energy to retire.

Enjoy your retirement.
Congratulations. Enjoy your time.
Tell everyone f off.
I retired after getting laid off just short of 59.5. You would think I might say that, but they did me such a huge favor that I found it very difficult hiding my happiness. Trust me; I was smiling on the inside. One co-worker even asked to volunteer to take my place, but I told him not to. I guess I hid my joy quite well. I even stayed friends with my boss for a couple months until he got laid off. Ok, we stayed in touch until he found another job in California. That was going on 5 years ago.

Little did I know that a few months later, my wife would start having health issues which persist off and on to this day. Needless to say, I haven't been able to enjoy retirement. It almost makes me wish I was still working.

Almost, but not quite.

Enjoy your retirement, early and often.
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Congratulations! Wishing you a couple decades of good health & great fishing.
I retired after getting laid off just short of 59.5. You would think I might say that, but they did me such a huge favor that I found it very difficult hiding my happiness. Trust me; I was smiling on the inside. One co-worker even asked to volunteer to take my place, but I told him not to. I guess I hid my joy quite well. I even stayed friends with my boss for a couple months until he got laid off. Ok, we stayed in touch until he found another job in California. That was going on 5 years ago.

Little did I know that a few months later, my wife would start having health issues which persist off and on to this day. Needless to say, I haven't been able to enjoy retirement. It almost makes me wish I was still working.

Almost, but not quite.

Enjoy your retirement, early and often.
But now you have endless time to give support to your wife.
Enjoy your retirement. Every day is Saturday. Only problem you get no days off.😁
Congrats... i`ve been retired for a year now... everyday is a Saturday