Respecting Comps on Public Waters



Well-known member
Dec 8, 2013
Miff-Co, PA
So my buddy and I went out to Kish this morning (yet another fishless day for us, but he did have one beauty on) and as we were rigging up we had a gentleman hop directly in front of us in what I would consider the lowest pool in the narrows section. That bothered us a bit but we decided we just spent the time to drive there that we were going to nymph that water anyways. A few minutes later we had a kid come up and tell us that they were having a competition and he'd appreciate it if we wouldn't fish the narrows and cautioned us not to do anything stupid to spook fish.

I was polite and agreeable but this kind of ruffled my feathers. After all it is public water. We nymphed that one nice pool and then decided to go downstream to some other water. When we drove up to turn around sure enough there were a lot of guys with partners having the measuring devices and whatnot all through the narrows. There is obviously more great water on the stream and we went to some beautiful water I know well, but the point is that I didn't have much time and that wasted a significant portion of my morning walking back to my car and relocating a few miles downstream.

How does everyone else handle these situations? Given it is public water I think it was rather rude for that gentleman to jump directly in front of us regardless of them being part of the competition or not. Either way it kind of soured our short morning excursion.
I have never, and will never be in that kind of situation. I rarely see another fisherman on the streams I fish. You don't want to hear how I'd have handled that one though. :)
I'd probably go look for a stretch that is free of other anglers, competitive or otherwise and just chalk it all up as bad luck.

That said, if you are already fishing an area and it prevents a competitor from fishing there, it's bad luck for the other guy.

Neither you or the competition guys have any sort of claim to the water IMO. First come, first serve. Both parties should show the other the courtesy they would expect from other fisherman. Neither has priority. Although, I do sometimes get the impression that those who organize these tournaments think that their strength in numbers gives them a priority over other anglers. Still, if they were intentionally cutting you off or crowding you out, they were in the wrong. But on the other hand, I've had people do this and there was no competition going on.

Like I said though, I would chalk it up as bad luck. How many tournaments are held on Kish? You got unlucky and fished there when one was being held. A lot of guys have a problem with competitions and would probably pull some passive aggressive stuff where they fish every free spot between competitors or maybe even go over the line and actively interfere with other anglers. Personally, I don't particularly have a problem with the competitions. I don't necessarily support them either, but if it's water that is open to the public they have just as much right to be there. Their motivations don't matter as long as they are within the law and show courtesy. It could be just as easily a bus load of guys from a TU chapter having an outing. You would still be fishing a crowded area.
I would call every person I know and have them all come down and line up in the pools and riffles and throw every kind of hardware and giant saltwater sinker they have . I would tear the ribbons and numbers (also called litter) of their so called 'beats" off the streamside trees.

You asked.
Fish the water like I own it. Public means open to everyone. If on private waters I would leave.
jifigz wrote:
I know well, but the point is that I didn't have much time and that wasted a significant portion of my morning walking back to my car and relocating a few miles downstream.

Yeah, that part sucks but not too long ago I woke up at 3:30 AM and drove 3 hours to fish a particular stretch of a particular stream because I thought conditions would be perfect to fish streamers for some large fish. I got there before anyone else, everything was perfect. I just got into the river and was headed toward the first really good run and was about 100yds away when a canoe came around the bend and anchored in the middle of the run. Two guys were casting spinners toward either bank. I didn't do very well in any the water they had floated over, I had to switch areas entirely to get into fish.

Oh well.

Sometimes you just lose.
I was fishing Spring Creek last year and saw these blaze orange ribbons all over the place. Next thing I knew a kid fishing some Youth Tournament walked into the water not ten feet in front of me and began fishing. He asked me to leave since he was fishing a tournament.

I got out of the water, walked ten feet ahead of him, and started fishing again. The fishing was no good from that point onward anyway since the kid and his handler had walked right along the stream where they were about to fish, which is idiotic. I left shortly thereafter.

I think these tournaments should be advertised well in advance so that other anglers can avoid such confrontations. I had gotten up early that morning and had driven a long ways only to have my morning ruined by a bunch of entitlement kids. I would never have gone there that day had I known about the tournament.

I can't say that I have a problem with competitions. I was mainly discouraged because the dude literally jumped just ahead of my buddy and I. And I hated how the one guy said "and try not to spook any fish," like yeah man, I want to catch em' too so why would I do that. But not respecting an angler that is all ready there gets to me. I wouldn't do that. I would walk quite a ways up or down and start.

I did notice the pink ribbon hanging from a tree when we started marking the lower end but gave it no thought. I'm not familiar with competitions and gave it no thought as being there pertaining to fishing and marking the lower end of the "beat." I have discovered before that there was a 2 day comp held last year with one day on Big Fishing and one day on Kish and that was also September, so I'm guessing this may be an annual thing.

Honestly there is water I enjoy way more than that stretch anyways but that one seems to be the most popular.
I would continue to fish the water in front of me and work my way upstream. If someone jumps in front of me I often pretend like he's not there and keep fishing. I often make a point to wade right into the water they are fishing, childish and confrontational, I know. I would like to say that I would handle it better but I don't. I could not care less if they were fishing a competition or not, there are no reservations on the river. If I got to a stretch and there were comp fisherman there before me I would simply relocate without a word.
DriftingDunn wrote:
I was fishing Spring Creek last year and saw these blaze orange ribbons all over the place. Next thing I knew a kid fishing some Youth Tournament walked into the water not ten feet in front of me and began fishing. He asked me to leave since he was fishing a tournament.

I got out of the water, walked ten feet ahead of him, and started fishing again. The fishing was no good from that point onward anyway since the kid and his handler had walked right along the stream where they were about to fish, which is idiotic. I left shortly thereafter.

I think these tournaments should be advertised well in advance so that other anglers can avoid such confrontations. I had gotten up early that morning and had driven a long ways only to have my morning ruined by a bunch of entitlement kids. I would never have gone there that day had I known about the tournament.

A tournament on spring is just too funny, so many fisherman already.
ryansheehan wrote:
I would continue to fish the water in front of me and work my way upstream. If someone jumps in front of me I often pretend like he's not there and keep fishing. I often make a point to wade right into the water they are fishing, childish and confrontational, I know. I would like to say that I would handle it better but I don't. I could not care less if they were fishing a competition or not, there are no reservations on the river. If I got to a stretch and there were comp fisherman there before me I would simply relocate without a word.

If I am in the right mood and I know it wouldn't ruin my own day, I do the same thing. If I am ruffled, I would find another stream.

A good reply to that kid would have been, "Suck what?" The balls. They must think if they are pushy enough that everyone will leave, so it sounds like Ryan just turns the tables!
Who organized these tournaments? Don't these competitions require a permit? I wonder if any were even obtained.
I would have handled the situation with a rant filled with profanity. Many F bombs.
A tournament on spring is just too funny, so many fisherman already.

Some of the youth tournaments on Spring are international ones, followed around the world, except in the US, where competitions are not as popular (they aren't with me, either.) Some of those kids traveled thousands of miles to be there.

Most competitions are advertised, but how do you reach everybody?

I yield to competitions far less grudgingly than I do to say, float tubers or dog swimmers. (I'm still annoyed, but just not as much.) The competitors are generally assigned "beats", and don't really have the option to fish another stretch of the river; I do.
When they say "this is my beat" I take it literally.

So you want your beat eh?
I think the best way to advertise these tournaments would be on the PFBC's website since they likely know about the tourneys since they would have issued a permit. It would take a while for word to get around, but I think the PFBC's website would be the best universal spot. To be effective it would have to list the exact place on the stream where the tournament will be taking place.

It might also help to post notices at parking lots a couple months in advance to reach more anglers, particularly at first.

When permits are issued for these tournaments by the PFBC, does the permit say anything about the public not being allowed to continue fishing? My guess is "No".

What exactly is the purpose of the permit?
DriftingDunn wrote:
I think the best way to advertise these tournaments would be on the PFBC's website since they likely know about the tourneys since they would have issued a permit. It would take a while for word to get around, but I think the PFBC's website would be the best universal spot. To be effective it would have to list the exact place on the stream where the tournament will be taking place.

It might also help to post notices at parking lots a couple months in advance to reach more anglers, particularly at first.

When permits are issued for these tournaments by the PFBC, does the permit say anything about the public not being allowed to continue fishing? My guess is "No".

What exactly is the purpose of the permit?

Are permits required for these tournaments? I know that there is a permit requirement for bass tournaments on PAFBC lakes.

I would say there should be a advertisement in local media as well as notification on the PAFBC web0site. Also some kind of signage in parking areas near the stream.

As far as yielding water to a comp - it would depend on how I was asked to yield. I tend to be pretty easy going until someone pushes my button......
A permit is required on approved trout waters or fish commission property.

I think a good many anglers need to lighten up on their personal space issues. To get upset, frustrated or violent over it is nothing short of insane. I don't go fishing to get all stressed out and angry.

Competition anglers should not be treated any differently than any other angler and vice versa.
"I think a good many anglers need to lighten up on their personal space issues."

"A few minutes later we had a kid come up and tell us that they were having a competition and he'd appreciate it if we wouldn't fish the narrows and cautioned us not to do anything stupid to spook fish."

Unless something like this happens.
I bet they were using walts worms with pink beads too....tied on jig hooks no doubt. When will the madness end?